Thursday, October 23, 2014

Poor Misty Upham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Misty Upham may not have been on the literal fast track in Hollywood, but she was an actress whose career was on the rise.  She worked with Melissa Leo in "Frozen River" (2008), to great acclaim, and last year, she achieved The Actor's Dream by working, and having major scenes with, The Divine MERYL--Meryl Streep in the largely unsatisfying film version of "August:Osage County."  Since it was directed by some hack, John Wells, and one of the central roles cast with that bitch, Julia Roberts, even with MERYL the film was sure to be ruined.

                                      In light of what happened to Misty, it is doubly bad the film was ruined. Had the film ended correctly, MERYL and Misty, for film history, would be locked in embrace, with the play's poetic ending captured on film. But, no, Wells and his toadies had to cave in to Miss Julia, and give her the final shot--along a highway of passing cars.  Too bad one of them didn't run her over!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Misty struggled with mental illness--depression and bipolar disorder.  You'd never know it, from her work on film.  When she went missing, on October 5, alarms went out. And when, on October16, her body was found, at the bottom of a ravine, near Seattle, well.....the jury is still out on whether or not it was foul play or suicide, (I favor the latter!!!!!!) but what was clear, certainly to Misty's family and friends, and those, such as I, who witnessed her work, was that a promising talent has been lost to us.

                                        Gracious to a fault, the Divine MERYL made clear her sadness at this loss.

                                        Achieving dreams was not enough for Misty; clearly something went wrong.

                                        Society needs to be more tolerant and vigilant towards the mentally ill!!!!!!!!

                                         Rest In Peace, Misty, and may you actually now BE at peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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