Saturday, October 25, 2014

Girls, You Have GOT To See This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       I am talking, of course, about the controversial, so-called feminist video, where little girls, dressed as Princesses, are out to combat sexism in society, the workplace and elsewhere. This is all to the good, except that the F-word expletive is used so much by ones so young, instead of titling this, as I have "The Potty Mouthed Princesses," you could call it "Bugsy Malone Meets David Mamet!!!!!!"

                      I mean, not since "Glengarry Glen Ross," have I heard the word "fuck" used so many times.  Plus these girls use words like "rape," and "sexual assault."  Do they even know what they are saying?  Then there is this disturbing segment where one says "One of out of five women will be sexually assaulted," after which they count off, and one says, "Which one of us will it be?"  Chilling!!!!!!!!!

                      Two adult women also appear--a black woman, and another who sure looks like Melissa McCarthy!!!!!!!!!!  Are these the filmmakers?  Don't they realize the mixed message this presentation is sending?

                        The ideas are great, and commendable. But why use the F-word to get the point across, when you don't need it?  Simply for controversy, and to get attention!  And having the girls dress up as Jon Benet Ramsseys, once again sexualizing children, while telling those out there not to demean girls, is just bad conceptualizing.  What were these filmmakers and writers thinking??????????

                          But see for yourselves, darlings! How can something so intrinsically right be so intrinsically wrong???????????????

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