Saturday, October 25, 2014

Go Play With Your Planchette, Dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        After seeing a piece of crap like "Ouija," one realizes even more what a masterpiece the original "Friday The 13th" was.  The actors in this mess, like those in any of the "Final Destination"movies, are going nowhere after being seen here, and Lin Shaye, from "Insidious," (which I did not see) is the brightest spot in this film, but not enough for it to jump start her career.
This film will come and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          And why not?  It is so predictable, especially to those of us who know the genre. Two little girls are seeing, in a darkened room, playing with a Ouija board, while it is raining outside.
Cliched, but it works.  Ten years later, one of the girls, Debbie, as a teen, tries to burn the board, but it returns, then she takes down the string of Christmas lights decorating her mirror, and hangs herself with them!!!!!!!!  A promising beginning, but guess what?  The movie goes downhill from here.

                           It is almost paint-by-numbers, as Debbie's friends try to find out what happened, with some of them also dying along the way.  The same old corn--a disturbed family who once lived in the house, and one of the daughters was murdered; a mysterious woman in an insane asylum turns out to be the key to the whole thing, and a surprise jolt at the end, as the heroine looks into the planchette.  I badly needed a cup of coffee after this one, and I made sure I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I have owned Ouija boards over the years, but even this movie made me think it is time to rethink the notion of buying another one.  Also, I never heard of these "rules"--not to play it alone, nor in a graveyard (that, to me is just common sense) and circling the board for every person playing.  When I did it, we just circled it, saying, out loud, "Ouija Board, Ouija Board....asking the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Not only was this made-up crap, but badly made-up at that!

                            Next year, I want to see a film where people are attacked by giant, moving Tarot Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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