Saturday, October 4, 2014

Have An Easy Fast, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Switching gears, as I am always wont to do, today is the Jewish Day Of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur.   On this day, I always think of two people--a school classmate named Alan T., who would spend the day each year in his room, reading an Allen Drury novel.  What I do not understand, to this day, was the significance of that--was Drury's prose style supposed to be a form of atonement??????????  The other was,, how many Drury books were in the house; did his parents (who, I am sure, read them before he did) have the entire collection of his works????????  And, if they did, what happened to them, because, believe me, that oeuvre would be a collector's item, now!

                           Let's see, if I had to do this on Yom Kippur, I would probably read something like either "The Song Of Bernadette," or, appropriately enough, "Atonement," by Ian McEwan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Then there was Dan, a former colleague of mine, who had the best Yom Kippur story, yet!  A bit irreverent, himself, Dan had adulterous gay sex one year on said day--and the partner came home early, so he had to make his exit, by way of the apartment fire escape!!!!!!!!!!  Nothing since I have heard it, has EVER topped that Yom Kippur story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               So, however you acknowledge it, girls; have an easy fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Me??????????  I think I am going to see "Annabelle!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!


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