Saturday, October 4, 2014

These Are The Last Two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Referring back to my rant
 several days before, concerning how the 75th Anniversary of the classic film, "Gone With The Wind" is being deplorably handled, the question has come up as to who, if anyone, is still alive from that film????????????

 According to my sources, who , I suppose are tectonically right, though I wish some extras from the crowds in the casualty lists scene and the famous railroad station scene would step forward, as I am sure they are out there, the last two known actors of the film still alive are two members of the Wilkes clan.  They are Mickey Kuhn, who played Melanie and Ashley's son, Beau, and Olivia De Havilland, who played Melanie, herself!!!!!!!!!!  If I were Mickey, I would watch out, because, with Joan Fontaine, her sister, having recently passed, I don't think Olivia is going to take any prisoners!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, she even outlived Cammie King, who played Bonnie Blue Butler!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey Kuhn has an interesting history, with regard to Vivien Leigh!  Twelve years later, when he was 19, he worked with her again!  Remember, in the 1951 film version of "A Streetcar named desire," when Blanche (Leigh) first arrives in town, she asks a young sailor, how to find that car, and he tells her????????   Mickey Kuhn was that young sailor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 If you really want to get technical about it, there is still Patrick (Paul) Curtis, who played Baby Beau in the evacuation of Atlanta, and trip to Tara sequences!!!!!!!!!!!  He went on to become Raquel Welch's first husband, from around 1967 to 1972!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who would have thought Raquel would have had ANY kind of an association, with a film classic???????????

I guess the tally is judging by those who had speaking parts.  Which leaves Mickey and Olivia.  Alicia Rhett, who played India Wilkes, (and was, at 99, the oldest cast survivor!!!!!!!) died last year, and Rand Brooks, who played Melanie's brother, Charles Hamilton, and Scarlett's first husband, whom I am sure was still alive, died 11 years ago, back in 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 So, a salute to Mickey and Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!!  And "Feh!" to the handling of their classic film, on its 75th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tara deserves better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Margaret Mitchell and Selznick estates should be ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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