Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's Coming Out Today, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Those of us with a literary bent have awaited this day for awhile.  A new Jane Smiley novel!!!!!!!!!!!!  Which promises to be the first of a trilogy dealing with an Iowa farm family over the course of a century.  Will this be the Book Of The Year?  Can it?  I know it is the book some have been waiting for all year, but whether it reaches that ultimate distinction cannot be determined, until after I at least have read it.

                                Hopefully, it will give us girls a chance to curl up in a chair with a good read, sip our coffee, languish in Smiley's prose, and yearn for the pastoral lifestyle she portrays.  And lives herself.

                                   You know, Jane is very big now at the University Of Iowa's Writing Workshop Program.  But did you know, when first applying, she was turned down?  She got in through the back door, by getting a Master's in Medieval Literature, which lead to her writing one of her greatest novels, and one of my favorites, "The Greenlanders."

                                      So, just remember that the next time you feel rejected, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  Jane Smiley was rejected by the school over now which she virtually presides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So much for institution administrators knowing everything!  But they can learn!

                                          I'll show them, darlings!  Heh! Heh!!!!!!!  Heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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