Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Those Bright Lights Have Dimmed, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Imagine, waking up to the news that Marian Seldes, actress and theater icon, has died, at the age of 86!!!!!!!!  Talk about the end of an era!  And talk about dimming those Broadway lights!

                          Years ago, I read an article on Marian that said her epitaph would be "Marian Seldes....but she'll be at the theater in half an hour."  She was the consummate artist who rarely missed a performance, playing the original "Deathtrap" (which I saw her in) all through its entire run, every single performance!  She wrote books, taught at Juilliard, married Garson Kanin, (which must have been a challenge) and, seemingly out of character, but dead on as an actress, she played the toughest granny I have ever seen in an episode of "Law And Order" that she walked away with.

                           It has been said one was not part of the theater community, until being caressed and called "Darling" by Marian Seldes. That distinction came to me about twenty years ago, when she walked into my workplace, confused, not knowing where to go--and I was the only one who knew who she was!   I stepped over to "Miss Seldes," as I addressed her, offered my services, and escorted her to where she needed to go. For which I earned that caress and endearment.

                            Marian was part of a breed that is slowly dying--the Theater Actor!  Thank God, we still have Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!   Whatever the step of her next journey is, Marian will be sure never to miss a beat. But she will be missed.  Even Gojira was wiping away tears, this morning. And so was Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Thank you for your career, Marian!  Rest In Peace, but keep on going, wherever you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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