Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Celebrity Bitch This Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What is it with these sleazy men in Hollywood?  First, Steven Collins, and now Bill Cosby.  Mothers afraid to have their prepubescent daughters in proximity to Roman Polanski now have to worry the same about Cosby.

                                   With all these so-called allegations coming forward, they are more than just allegations.  Also confirmed by his cancellation of future appearances.

                                      This guy, who got has big break with Robert Culp on "I-Spy," back in the Sixties, seems like he has been hiding things in true spy fashion for a long time.  I have a feeling more women and girls may crawl out of the woodwork yet.

                                         The minute I heard the story about Cosby, I knew he would make Bitch Of The Week. I was never enamored of him, anyway, but many brought that whole family values thing he projected on his show, so he has betrayed not only his victims, but his fans.

                                            You could not ask for a better Bitch Of The Week than Bill Cosby, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Wonder what Phylicia Rashad and Lisa Bonet think of all this???????????????


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