Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Just How Old Is Jenny Rebecca???????????? And, For That Matter, Christopher Michael???????? And Just What Are They Doing??????????

                                                 "Jenny Rebecca, four days old,
                                                  How do you like the world, so far?"--
                                                       1970s Gerber commercial

                                     How many of my girls remember this quasi-nauseous commerical for Gerber's products?  They did a male one, too with a kid named "Christopher Michael," only they expanded his life span to four weeks.

                                      Darlings, if I were them, being fed, burped, and put to bed, I would have complaints.  Anyway, I wouldn't be able to verbalize them!!!!!!  Who could remember that far back, besides myself???????????

                                       Well, that was THEN, and this is NOW!!!!!!!!!  I have to wonder about Jenny and Christopher, and where they might be today.  Does Jenny wear a power suit, and bitch to her staff?  Is she a hooker working Sunset Strip?  Or is she a trailer trash type, like Mama June???????????

                                          As for Christopher Michael, he could be a CEO who lives in the suburbs, is active in his church, but cheats on his wife with office tramps!  He could be White Trash, like Sugar Bear!
He could be in construction, a drug dealer, or in prison by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Which do you prefer, girls?  I prefer Jenny as the trailer trash Mama June, and Christopher Michael as the adulterous CEO!!!!!!!!!  What do you think?

                                               One thing I know, which you may have noticed I did NOT mention!!!!!!!!!!
Neither of these babes turned out homosexual.  Gerbers would never endorse THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the Jenny Rebecca commercial.  Or, at least the song, expanded upon by none other than BARBRA!!!!!!  Trust her to get into the act, back then!  After all, she did disco with Donna Summer!

The babies would be in their forties now!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I named my first born after Christopher Michael ... can you tell me where I can find that video?


  3. That's really sweet. Yes, that commercial was impacting.
    I believe I found it on You Tube. If you type in the name
    and Gerber commercial, you may find it. This post was written
    awhile ago, so I cannot guarantee if the video will be up.
    What nice comment you shared. Thanks!

  4. Thank You for responding! I have looked on YouTube but I will keep looking ... strange thing about it, I seem to remember it was a Pamper's commercial instead of Gerber's. While I was looking for the video, I found several references to Gerber and Pampers, so I'm not even sure which Brand I am looking for. hehe But the tune from Jenny Rebecca is the same as for Christopher Michael. At any rate, Thank You again for your Kind comments and advice. :)

    1. I remember it as a Platex bottle commercial

  5. I was named Jennifer Rebecca because of that commercial. Is there a club I can join, maybe a support group?

    1. My mother named me Jenny Rebecca after this commercial. I even have to original 1972 Gerber Baby Doll

    2. I am Jenny Rebecca, just like the commercial. 🙄


  6. Scterry,

    My memory tells me it
    was Gerber's. Pampers
    may have done something
    in imitation of it,
    but when I wrote the post,
    my memory was clearly of

    Another possibility--in case my
    memory doess not serve me--is Johnson
    and Johnson baby products


  7. Jenna,

    I am not sure, but I bet there is
    somewhere. Look online. I have
    no doubt that ad resulted in lots
    of babies back then being named
    Jenny Rebecca or Christopher Michael.

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Kate,
    Did Platex (or Playtex) make bottles?
    My association with the company is female
    lingerie, unless we are speaking of another
    company. You may be right, but that is
    not how I remember it.


  9. Unknown,

    OMG! You are all grown up!

  10. My mom named me Jenny Rebecca after the gerber baby

  11. My son was born that summer in 1971 when it first came out. His name was Christopher Michael. I shared a room with a mother who had a baby the same day and her name was Jennifer Rebecca. True story. We named them before we heard the commercial. Chris and Jennifer turn 50 in a little over a week.

    And Raving Queen, yes, Playtex made baby bottles. My son born in 1974 had them. Weird looking nipples with disposable plastic sacs inside the case.

  12. Shelley,

    My sister had a baby in 1974--her youngest--
    and I think she used the bottles you describe--
    I can picture them.

    That story is adorable. You ought to have a fifty
    year reunion, taking pictures of everyone now.

    Hope all are doing well!

    Thanks for your comments!

    1. I used those Playtex bottles with my kids in the 90s. ☺
