Sunday, November 30, 2014

Farewell To Another Birthday Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It was quite a November, darlings, so let's review the events!

                            1. I turned 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             2. I had the most fabulous party ever!  Thrown by my beloved!  Not since my 8th birthday party, 52 years ago, has there been such a gala!  And the gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!  Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             3.  Thanksgiving was wonderful, too!  Watching the Macy's parade on television, which made me feel like both Natalie Wood and Maureen O'Hara, and then dinner at Chadwick's, where they outdid themselves.  The most creamy sweet potatoes ever!  Everything was perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              4. I watched the Roseanne Bitch Fest, and learned much from it!
                              5. The Christmas Tree at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art--my favorite!!!!--went up on the 25th!  So, the time for a visit is fast approaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                               6.  This month, I was, for a time, inexplicably possessed by the spirit of Hayley Mills, even though she is still alive!  But it was an enjoyable possession!
                               7. "The Nutcracker" has started performances at Lincoln Center.  I have GOT to go this year, darlings; Balanchine's production and I are exactly the same age!!!!!!!!!!
                               8. Our beloved Cujo is warm and well!
                               9. Baby Gojira has his Thanksgiving booties!  Soon, it will be time to switch over to his Christmas outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             10.  The cold weather is setting in!  Break out those Victorian novels, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              See you all in December!


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