Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome, December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Yes, girls, as I am sure many of you can tell by the picture--a traditional Advent Calendar--this is the Month of Months.  The Countdown to the end of 2014!  And, of course, to Christmas before it!

                                  I know what you are asking--where the hell did the year go????????  I have no idea; it just sped by!

                                   But what a month of events!  Already, on Thursday, I have a Christmas party to go to; the Lincoln Center Tree gets lit tonight, and the one in Rockefeller Center on Wednesday!  Saturday is a planned visit to my favorite tree, at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art, followed by a potential Bitch Fight with Nasty Hostess at Demarchelier.  We shall see!

                                   Not to mention general events and news that happen to pop up this month, as I am sure they will!!!!!!!!!!!  Like shows seen, books read, the New York Times Ten Best List, and of course, gossip, Gossip, GOSSIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, this should be an exciting month, especially after Christmas, when I assess the year!

                                    But, right now, the emphasis should be on what lies ahead!  And so, with now 24 Days Till Christmas, I am continuing the tradition, established last year, of the Musical Advent Calendar!  Each day, until Christmas, a different song will be played!

                                     Ready?  Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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