Monday, December 1, 2014

Gaiety And Glamour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Yesterday, to mark the end of November, we had our first theatrical outing, in quite some time!  We saw "Here Lies Love!" at the Public Theatre, and, let me tell you, darlings, it is one of the most exciting shows I have seen at the Public in years.

                             This show has a built in audience--the Gay Community will love it. Another musical about a dictatorial bitch, who knows fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How can it  miss?  Foot fetishists will love it, thinking about all of Imelda's shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And Drag Queens will love it for the glamour!

                                Yes, darlings this is a sort of "Millennial 'Evita'" telling of the rise of Imelda Marcos.  You just gotta love Imelda--I always did--with her fashion sense!  She had to do something, marrying one of the world's ugliest men.

                                  Of course, she turns out to be a bitch out for herself.  That is what haute couture does to one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The story is pretty basic, but the rest is fabulous.

                                     Finally, some groundbreaking, innovative staging.  Downstairs, the whole thing is staged like the audience is at a disco club; at times they actually become participants.  As the sets move, and the environment transforms, so do they.

                                       More conventional souls, like Monsieur and myself, saw it from above, where we were seated, and could witness these fascinating schematics.  Not to mention an inventive, melodic score that might not become a classic of Musical Theater, but held my interest!  And the actors who sang it were gorgeous, including 2006 "Chorus Line" alum, Natalie Cortez!!!!!!!!!!!  The actress doing Imelda I had no idea was the understudy till after the show, but she delivered an award caliber performance.

                                        The only thing missing was Liza Minnelli.  My beloved said she was snoozing underneath the stage!  And where was Christine Pedi????????????????

                                          If only we had bought our beloved Cujio, whom we saw on our way to the subway, in Bay Ridge!  He would have danced his paws off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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