Monday, December 1, 2014

I Just Found This Out!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me???????????????????

                              Yesterday, the revival of Tom Stoppard's play, "Indian Ink," closed at the Laura Perls Theatre.  Rosemary Harris was in it, and so was an actor named Fidrous Bamji.

                                 Mr. Bamji just happens also to be the partner of Icon Hayley Mills.   When the play opened two months ago, on September 30, Hayley was in town!  She flew in from London, and attended the opening.  I don't know how long she stayed, but I am sure she had a nice visit.

                                    This was about six weeks before I was possessed by her!  Why couldn't someone have told me Hayley was in town????????  Hayley, why didn't you call me?????????  We could have had tea at the St. Regis--the best in town--and I could have sang "Cobbler, Cobbler" to you, which I am sure you would have gotten a big kick out of!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I wish my budget allowed for personal assistants.  Or, as Margo Channing said, "Indian scouts."  Those who could keep an eye on things for me, because, though I am the Raving Queen, I cannot be in several places at once--even though it feels like it!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hayley, Hayley, come visit me, next time you are here!

                                       Like the song says, we've got "a lot more dancing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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