Sunday, November 23, 2014

Girls, Who Would Beleive Anna Wintour Is Afraid Of Anything?????????????

                            What with the week I have had, darlings, the Holiday Season fast approaching, and being the Raving Queen, with all that entails, it has taken me a bit longer these days to process my thoughts, these days.  So, this was just recently brought to my attention.

                              I had been aware that Anna, Grace and Company had moved their offices out of Conde Nast in Times Square (which, I personally think, is a mistake; you hear that, Anna????????) and into offices downtown in the new building on what everyone knows as the World Trade Center.

                               Now, putting Anna Wintour, the woman, who, let's face it, runs this town, on hallowed ground is not bad, logically speaking.  But what just recently came to my attention is that, with all the construction having gone on, scores of rats are running around in the area, wreaking havoc--and Anna, yes ANNA!!!!!!!--is terrified of them.

                                Can you believe it?  A couple of tiny rodents are frightening the Editor-In-Chief of VOGUE???????  Frankly, if I were Grace, I would be more worried.  What if these pests get to the fabrics????????????

                               There is only one solution, as I see it.  If ANNA is truly afraid of the rats, bring on someone whom the rats would be terrified of, without question--

                                 MERYL STREEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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