Monday, November 24, 2014

The Mystery Of Paula Zahn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Girls, I ask you, where the hell was Paula Zahn, last night?

                             There my beloved and I were, resting after a long, but pleasant day of some work both pleasant and humanitarian, waiting in a narcoleptic state for Paula to whisk us off to Dreamland, as only she can, more potent than general anaesthesia.

                               At one point, Tamron Hall was on with her crime program, which was intriguing, but my concentration was beginning to blur.  I asked my beloved about Paula, and he maintained it was not 10PM yet.

                               Imagine my distress when I got up to use the bathroom, only to find it was past 10 PM.  What was Tamron doing in Paula's spot?

                                Was last week the Season Finale of Paula?  No one said a word.  Was Paula just dumped for the evening or what?  Shows how little she is regarded around ID, I am telling you!

                                   Even if only for sleep, Paula does serve a purpose.  So, why wasn't she on last night!

                                    Inquiring minds, and this bitch, want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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