Monday, November 17, 2014

Happy Birthday, Neva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Today is the birthday of one, who, especially among Theater Queens, will forever be one of Broadway's chosen children!!!!!!!!  I am talking about Neva Small, who became a Legend Of The Musical Stage, back in 1967, when at the age of 14, she sang "I Wonder How It Is," in "Henry, Sweet Henry."  And who could forget her as Chava, in the film version of "Fiddler On The Roof," just four years later?????? Did you know she actually auditioned for the original production, when she was 11????????

                                Neva is no longer that little girl or ingenue.  Today, in fact, she turns 62, but she is still out there, and, when she occasionally surfaces in  performance, those in the know flock to her.

                                  Her voice is still wonderful, and she has lost nothing of her earlier luster and stage presence.  I am honored to have so legendary a performer's birthday be on the day before mine!

                                   So, Happy Birthday, Neva! and many more!  Keep proving that talent does not stop with age--it simply ripens!!!!!!!!!

                                    Remember  that, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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