Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Yes, Darlings, It Is Official!!!!!!!!!!! Today, I Am 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I thought I would open with Dorothy Collin--from "Follies," of course!--because, when she was alive, we shared the same birthday.  I still share with Owen Wilson and the brilliant Chloe Sevigny, but it's just not the same as Dorothy!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           As people have said to me already, "Welcome to the Sixties!"  I thought I experienced the Sixties when I lived through that histroic decade, from ages 6 to 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Quite a difference now, girls!  I have heard some call this the Decade Of Decline, but I intend to keep on going a bit longer.  Twenty one thousand, nine hundred days on Earth is a lot, but not enough, with things as they are, right now!

                           Today is going to be low key, with relaxation, and dinner at Peppino's.  Thankfully, they are open tonight; they are closed on Mondays!

                            So, the Raving Queen has another birthday, but a new decade!

                            I opened with Dorothy, but I am ending with Yvonne De Carlo!  Singing, of course, "I'm Still Here," from "Follies!"  Because I am!  Still here, that is!

                             You are all fabulous, darlings, and I will keep you posted, as I navigate another year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy ACTUAL Birthday, RQ!!!

    I wanted to send you a personal email, but Yahoo Mail is down worldwide yet again (how does that dolt Marissa Mayer hold on to her CEO job?)

    So glad you're celebrating with Yvonne De Carlo: no matter how many times I play the "Follies" OC album, she always stands out as the showstopper. No one has ever topped her performance of this song, cause she's the only one who LIVED it, baby!

    But I bet you could come close if you tried: everyone at your "pre-birthday" bash marveled at how powerfully you sang (the acoustics suited you perfectly).

    Your 60s are going to be WAY cool, my friend, with no decline in sight: I read your tarot this morning and its all bouquets / no brickbats! (c;

  2. I'm glad you're still here! Happy Birthday!! It's also my mom's 87th!

  3. Thank you both for the warm wishes!
    And thank you, Videolaman fior your presence at the party. You were perfectly pomaded, and the gifts were spectacular!
