Monday, November 10, 2014

Paula Kept Us Awake This Week, Dolls, Because Of Her Compelling Tale Of Sickness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Even evildoers can be sickened by other evildoers, and when Markham Duff-Smith was executed, deservedly, on June 29, 1993, I wondered how he made it to that point, Inmates don't look kindly on child murderers, and this guy was one of the lowest--taking the life of a completely defenseless 14-month-old baby, by having the infant shot in the head.  And the baby happened to be Duff-Smith's nephew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 This guy was adopted by the wealthy Duff-Smith family, who lavished on him all the amenities for success one could hope for--breeding, private education, the tools for a good job.  But he chose to live as a spendthrift, and get into insurance scams; it would seem Bernie Madoff, had he been around, would have been his role model.  Bernie got caught, eventually, too, but not so soon, as he was more successful at it. If Markham had been half as successful, as Bernie, there would have been no need to commit the heinous acts he did.

                                                  When the Wanstrath family murders took place on July 5, 1975--husband John, 35, adoptive sister Diana, 36, and 14-month old nephew and godson Kevin--the community was shocked.  Especially at the senseless murder of a child.  Suddenly, people started to remember that, four years before, on October 15, 1975, Diana's mother, Gertrude Duff-Smith Zabolio, committed suicide, and, in the case of the Wanstraths, that was pretty much what was thought.  At first, the killer was thought to be husband John, but the Medical Examiner ruled it was Diana, suffering from depression, who ended the lives of her husband son, before turning the gun on herself/

                                                      And that is how things might have rested, if not for the persistence of a local police officer, who worked much of the case on his own.  It was discovered Duff-Smith was flat broke, and kept company with shady banker Walt Waldhauer, who knew this convict, Alan Wayne Janecka, who was the actual one who strangled Gertrude, and pulled the trigger on the Wanstraths and their baby. Sick Waldhauer went with Janecka to make sure he did the job, and witnessed it first hand.  In order to prosecute the two most responsible, a deal had to be cut with Waldhauer, but he is behind bars for 30 years, which, at this point, is much of the rest of his life!!!!!!!! The whole thing was done so Duff-Smith could inherit the entire estates of the deceased, and continue to live his debased, lavish lifestyle.  Big fucking style.  $600K would not have been lavish enough for scum like you. Whose baby would you have killed next, you bastard?????????????

                                                        At the age of 46, this filth was put to death, where is he is being roasted good, like barbecued chicken on a spittoon.

                                                         Paula had on some basic black, with gold earrings, and looked good--for  her, that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Kevin Wanstrath would be 36 today. It sickens me to realize what his terrifyingly evil uncle denied him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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