Monday, November 10, 2014

Girls, I Am Telling You, I Bet It Did Not Happen This Way To Audrey Hepburn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Let's get the major news out of  the way, darlings!

                            I am engaged!

                             However, the ring which I was fitted for (and has diamonds!) is very popular, and has to be ordered, so it will not be here till at least December 30.

                              But I tried on a model, and got the proposal, so it was romantic!

                               Guess what happened after that?

                                While my beloved is taking care of matters pertaining to my ring--he had been hinting all month about something at Tiffany's, pertaining to my birthday gift!!!!!!!!!--a woman walks by me, and while my back is turned for a second, I felt someone touching me in the mid arm region, as though pinching me, or something.  I mean, what do I know; I'm just Little Nell from the country!!!!  Not exactly what one does to a stranger.  I looked, and saw this short, lower middle class Hispanic woman, and I said, "EXCUSE me??????????"  She got all flustered, said, "Oh, I am so sorry," and ran off!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This bitch was trying to fleece me! In Tiffany's!!!!!!!!! I had my captain's jacket on, and she went for the side pockets, which, had she succeeded, all she would have come away with had been a woolen hat and a glove.  That would have shown here!

                                    Only the Raving Queen, girls, could manage this--a romantic proposal in the most famous jewelry store of all time, followed by an attempted fleecing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       For comfort, we marched to the Cafe Edison, and ordered something to support it!  The Matzoh Ball soup is still the best in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I swear, girls, the spirits of both Mary and Audrey were watching over us, that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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