Friday, November 7, 2014

Don't Let Another New York Tradition Be Destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Mine might be the last generation that came to New York for a reason.  Seeking to escape suburban dullness, hoping to carve a place for ourselves in the arts, or whatever one was drawn to seek out in a place where like minded people existed--New York was a haven for those who were different and sought a place where they could actually be that, without any harassment.

                                 And, of course, this was before Internet, and other social media, where now, like minded people are just a click away, figuratively speaking.  So, does that mean that future generations, with their communication mechanisms, will remain in the suburban wastelands, feeling they have no need to venture forth from them????????

                                  I fear this to be so.  More and more, this city is deteriorating from the period and cultural history  that drew folks to it, into a variation of a sprawling suburban mall.  In which case, why come here, anyway??????????

                                   The sad confirmation of this is the news I received yesterday, that the Cafe Edison, what I call the Edison Hotel Coffee Shop, what others call the Polish Tea Room, and which Neil Simon immortalized in his play "45 Seconds From Broadway," is going to close at the end of the year.  To be transformed into a so-called high end restaurant, with a so-called "name chef."

                                     Name Chef, my ass!  Listen, if I were seeking a high end dining experience in the Theater District, I would not be successful.  What thinks of passing for such is overrated and overpriced.  The Edison was the best bargain in town, and their Matzoh Ball Soup and Matzoh Brei are  the best in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyone who was anyone going to the theater knew this was a quick and easy way to eat light, before catching the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Alas, it is to give way. But, not without a fight.  Twitter accounts have been springing up, in support of saving it, supported by Broadway luminaries, like Martha Plimpton!   Go, Martha!

                                        There is also a petition you can sign, as I have, that has over 2,000 signatures already.  I want all my girls on here to sign in support of Cafe Edison!  The link is--


                                          Make sure you sign, girls!  Don't allow another part of what was always loved about New York to be destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Like Donna Summer once said, "Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!"

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