Friday, November 7, 2014

Guess What Goes Up, Tonight, Darlings?????????? The 2014 Radio City Christmas Spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Honestly, the Holiday Season gets earlier and earlier. It is not yet my birthday, or Thanksgiving, and already the Rockefeller Center Tree has arrived, and The Radio City Christmas Spectacular for this year is raising its curtain this very evening.

                          It is always nice to be part of a first night audience, but isn't this a little bit pushing it?  The Nativity on November 7????????  Jesus was a full term, dolls, not a preemie!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Nevertheless, I had to lead in with the Nativity, not only with what has been happening with Mary over on 76th Street, but, when you get right down to it, this is the reason for going to this event.  I am telling you, and I stand by this, what they do with the Nativity on stage is so spectacular, I don't think the real thing could have been better staged.  I can never forget the first one I ever saw, where an angel dropped from the sky and began trilling a thrilling lyric soprano rendering of "O Holy Night!"  I felt like I was present at the birth of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And, of course, the Rockettes will be on hand.  I always wanted to be one, lambs, but I was not tall enough!  Let some men in that line!  Equal rights!

                              Here they are!  Aren't they fabulous, darlings?????   You know, the whole thing was designed and staged by a bunch of disgruntled queens, who fled wherever they came from for being brutalized for being gay, to come and do this show, which is colorful and gay--in ALL senses--as one can get!!!!!!!!!!  Every gay in New York should be required to go to this and "The Nutcracker" once.

                               Personally, I have always wanted to see the Nativity staged, with a half moon circle of Rockettes doing their kicks, as that angel trills "O Holy Night!"  But I guess they just aren't ready for that, yet!

                                I bet, were he still alive, Michael Bennett would go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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