Monday, November 3, 2014

Pepper Is The Avenue Toward Compassion For The Disabled And Unfortunate That Sister Camille Wants Us To Take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It has been agreed, on here, that actress and comedienne Naomi Grossman does a fabulous job as Pepper on "American Horror Story."  Even though she supposedly drowned her sister's baby and cut off its ears, (and I hope a story further along explores that!!!!) one cannot help loving Pepper, and admiring for how she stood up to authority, in order to protect Grace!!!!!!!!

                                        Pepper just wants someone to come and play with her.  I would do so in a minute; think of what I could learn!!!! So, I want all my girls out there, especially as the Holiday Season is swiftly approaching, to reach out to any Peppers in your lives, or on the periphery thereof, and show them the kind of compassion Sister Camille would approve of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Who would have thought an "American Horror Story" character could become an iconic inspiration for humanitarianism???????????????

                                              We love you, Pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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