Thursday, November 20, 2014

Remember When Comic Book Art Was Better, Darlings????????????

                                 When I was a child, in the Sixties, I used to think the best comic book art was what came out of the 1930's and 1940's.  Now, as I get older, I realize how closer the art of the Sixties was to that period, and how the art work, while more sophisticated today, loses something in the translation.

                                     The issue pictured above was my very first issue of Justice League Of America.  I actually owned this once, and it not only introduced me to the Justice League, but the Justice Society Of America, who were on Earth Two, and mostly stemmed from the 1940's.   People like Doctor Fate, whom I so wanted to be.  Or Starman, whose red costume and green cape made me long to be both a super-hero, and have the artistic skill enough to become a comic book artist. Alas, none of that came true.

                                      I wish the artists today would look at the work of the past, and go back, stylistically to it. When I look at the heroes I grew up on today, they seem so unrecognizable.   When something works, stick to it, don't change it for change's sake.

                                        I mean, just look at Starman!!!!!!!!! Who wouldn't want to fly through the night, looking like this?????????

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