Friday, November 21, 2014

Those Broadway Lights Are Dimming Once Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         It seems like more times this year this has happened. Tonight, at 7:45PM, Broadway will dim its lights, in honor of the passing of Mike Nichols, who died two days ago, of a heart attack, at age 83.

                           He did quite a lot.  He won nine--nine, darlings!!!!!!!!--TONY Awards.  He introduced us to Mrs. Robinson. And he found a little girl named "Annie" a home on Broadway, and a place in the pantheon of Musical Theater.

                            MERYL worked with him several times.  Like Woody Allen and Robert Altman, Mike Nichols was one of those directors everyone wanted to work with.  Including me, lambs, but now that boat has sailed!

                              Oh, lest I forget, Nichols was the Executive Producer of one of my most fondly remembered shows, "Family," with Sada Thompson, James Broderick, Gary Frank, Kristy McNichol, and Meredith Baxter Birney, as Nancy.   It was like watching your own family drama, or recognizing that there is drama in every family's life, each week on Tuesday nights.

                                 Who can forget "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?"  Mike Nichols brought that to fruition in the memorable 1966 film version that netted both Elizabeth Taylor and Sandy Dennis Oscars.  Gay men have been playing it at parties for years, darlings!  Believe me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, Broadway, and the arts world loses another treasure. Rest In Peace, Mike and though the lights may dim this evening, the legacy of what you have done will not.

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