Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This Is Not A Great Time Of Year To Be A Turkey, Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Only this year, the wild turkeys, at least in Brookline, Massachusetts, where Sylvia Plath hailed from, are doing something about it.  I doubt they were empowered by her poetry, or "The Bell Jar."  More likely, they were triggered by Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and 'Tippi' Hedren.

                                The wild turkeys in this town have begun to rebel, darlings!  They are attacking citizens because they are MAD AS HELL, AND THEY ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!

                                 It's bad enough the American worker finds their head on the chopping block. But the poor turkeys, particularly this time of year, are that way, literally.

                                  Apparently, the Brookline turkeys feel there are other options.

                                   Remember, as Christine Pedi, impersonating Liza Minnelli, says, "Once you kill the cow, you gotta have a burger!"

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