Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What If Priscilla Mullen Had Been A Hottie???????????????

                                        That's the question on my mind, this day before Thanksgiving, loves!  We all know Myles, John and Priscilla, from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 1858 poem, "The Courtship Of Myles Standish."  And many of us know Priscilla through the Warner Bros. cartoon rendering of her, where she is made to look like a parody of prune faced Edna Mae Oliver.

                                          The consensus is that these were not very hot people.  Myles Standish, especially, who, though a Captain, did not even have the gonads to propose himself to Priscilla. He must have looked like Wallace Shawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As for John Alden, whom she did marry, what if her were a hottie, like, say, Jake Gyllenhaal???????  And suppose Priscilla resembled the likes of Julianne Moore, Kate Winslet, or Amy Adams?   Even Priscilla Lopez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Would Thanksgiving have been the same?  Would we be celebrating the same way?  If, at all?  I have to wonder.  Maybe, maybe not.

                                             But one thing is clear.  However the Pilgrims looked or didn't, they could not cook for shit!  We owe the culinary splendor of Thanksgiving dinner to the Native American Indians, long before Satan conceived Martha Stewart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Something to mull over as you munch on your turkey, tomorrow, loves!

                                               And I know what some of you girls REALLY want--you want to get your hands on Jake's Junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Ha! Ha! Ha!

                                                 Happy Thanksgiving, Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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