Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We Just Can't Wait For The New Season, Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               When this show premiered at this time last year, it opened with something big pertaining to the most famous Crime City in the country--New York!  Who could forget last season's opener, "Go Ask Alice," (which I just saw again this past Sunday!!!!!!!!!!) detailing the case of that cheap cocktail waitress from Kew Gardens, Queens, Alice Crimmins??????????  I skewered both Alice (still alive, but not talking!!!!!!!!!!!) and that neighborhood and borough, referencing, too, a case that had happened the year before!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And that case will be tonight's season opener!  I am talking about Kitty Genovese!  The episode claims it is going to debunk some myths that have grown up over the case, but let me tell you something, girls--false or not, myths have a life of their own!

                                When this happened, I was in grade school.  It gave me the impression that New York was one big jungle of buildings with alleys that people got killed in, and no one did a damn thing!  Pretty accurate, as far as I am concerned!  And it figures both Alice and Kitty took place in Queens, the cheapest, and sleaziest of all boroughs.  Every other woman living there is most likely a prostitute, and, when I used to cab it home to Woodside, while living there, I could not believe the cheap examples of humanity trolling along Queens Boulevard!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It made me sick, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, while all the myths surrounding Kitty may not be true, they do have a certain credibility to them!  I will be curious to see how they handle the question of Kitty's having been a lesbian--something that I never knew till the 40th anniversary, ten years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!  And. while I am always quack to cry homophobia, it had nothing to do with Kitty's killing.  That scum, Winston Moseley, and she just met in the wrong place, at the wrong time!

                                     And if anyone who lived there when it happened still resides in Kew, all I can say is--Shame on you!

                                        Let's hope tonight's program does justice to Kitty!  She deserves it!

                                         Now, as you know, this show devotes itself to six cases.  I know some of the others being covered, and can clue you in..

                                           1. Kitty Genovese
                                            2. Ruby McCollum--A Black woman in 1952 Florida--there's trouble, right there, already!!!!!!!!--who killed a prominent white doctor, claiming he forced her to have sex with him and bear his child!  Florida is another great place for crime!
                                              3. The Texas Sniper--the guy shooting at everyone, in Austin, I think, during the Sixties!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                              4.  The Bobby Greenlease Kidnapping--Where a six year old son of a wealthy automobile manufacturer in Kansas City, MO, was abducted by gangster Carl Hall and prostitute Bonnie Heady.  They must have no taste in the Midwest, because Bonnie could never have made it as a prostitute in New York; she was too plug ugly!  Fucking her would have been like porking a pig!!!!!!  Which is just what those Midwestern men probably like!  Too bad for Bobby these two had no souls--they shot him  in the head!  But they were tried and executed.  An excellent book, which I have read, and, I believe, posted, on here, "Zero At The Bone--The Playboy, The Prostitute, And The Murder Of Bobby Greenlease," (2009) by John Heidery,  covers the case well.
                                            5.      I don't know the other case, except it is some blonde Florida slut who got mixed up with trouble.  So, what else is new?????????????
                                            6.  It's anybody's guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But one thing I do know!  If there is a a third season, they will lead off with something big from New York!  And the next biggest thing they can lead off with is the case of.....David Berkowitz, the Son Of Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Mark my words, darlings!  And see you here tomorrow, where we'll dish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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