Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Bells Are Ringing, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Girls, it is a wonder I can write, but I had to get back to all of you, because there is so much going on..  Christmas was a gala feast of food and gifts, but would you believe, with hundreds of cable TV channels today, no "Song Of Bernadette?"  I mean, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Then, because my beloved had to work today, I had to actually arise at 4am, like in "Wuthering Heights," only I don't know how the Brontes did it back then, because I still feel half wired, and like I am about to wind down!!!!!!!!!!!  We sailed into the city, at record speed, at 7:30 am, and I walked into the apartment at 8:45, crashed, read, and have now summoned what strength I have left--like Scarlett , battered, arising from the ground of Tara--to write what I can.  And remember, also, darlings, my body is always pain wracked from those stone floors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Hope you Christmas was as merry as ours was.  And you don't want to miss this coming year, where the flames of family drama are being fanned in a style unseen since "August:Osage County."

                                  Let the Season continue, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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