Friday, December 26, 2014

Girls We Love Ma Petite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Which goes by way of saying we also love Jyoti Amge, the 23 inch tall actress, and world's smallest living woman on record.  Jyoti, like Ma Petite, may look infant-like, much more so than Dickens' Infant Phenomenon in "Nicholas Nickleby," but both are actually 20-year-old babes who have seen their share of action.  Especially as an actress, playing a character like Ma Petite, on "American Horror Story--Freak Show."

                                 It is fair to say that she is the show's most beloved character. Now, I just love Bette and Dot Tattler (played magnificently by Sarah Paulson), but let me tell you, the Tattler Sisters are not to be messed with.  And while everyone picks up and holds Ma Petite, assisting her here and there, not everyone in the show loves her.  Can you imagine???????????  Who could NOT love Ma Petite??????????????????

                                    Which makes what happens to her doubly sad.  Whoever caused this to happen is not to be forgiven, and it would not surprise me if, in the guise of Karma, Ma Petite comes back to wreak deserved vengeance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Ma Petite's killer, or killers, is more monstrous than any freak on this show, or out in the real world!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                       Hey, the so-called real world is where all the freaks are found, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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