Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Did You See Bobby Greenlease Last Night, On "A Crime To Remember," Dolls????????????????????????

                                          I have to hand it to this program--they know how to open, and close, a season.  They opened with one of the century's most notorious murders, and New York City's most notorious--the Kitty Genovese Case, back on March 13, 1964.  For their Season Finale, they chose what is, next to Leopold and Loeb kidnapping and killing Bobby Franks, 14, on May 21, 1924, the most heinous child murder in history--the abduction and murder, in September, 1953 of Bobby Greenlease, the 6-year old son of wealthy auto dealer, Robert Greenlease, Sr. and his wife.

                                          My beloved asked me if I had learned anything from the broadcast, because I had read, several years back, John Heidenry's 2009 book on the case, "Zero At The Bone--The Playboy, The Prostitute, And The Murder Of Bobby Greenlease."  Maybe what I am about to say was in the book, but it has been awhile, so I forget.

                                            When it comes right down to it, the whole thing could be blamed on Greenlease's adopted son, from a previous marriage, Paul.  He was in his teens, by the time Bobby was born, and a ton of trouble, so he was sent off to Kemper Military School, in Boonville, Missouri.   This is where he and Carl Anthony Hall, destined  to be Bobby's kidnapper and killer, met.  Hall was himself from a wealthy family, and was sent to the same school.  Hall never forgot Greenlease--or that his family had money.

                                              But he was a loser and barfly, who went through a $200K inheritance in five years!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Somewhere down the road, he met fellow loser and barfly, Bonnie Heady, who could barely make it as a prostitute; she was so fat and ugly, she could only get money from trolls, the elderly, or blind men!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Carl worked his charm on her, and these two pieces of scum cooked up a plan to kidnap Bobby and extract $600K from his family.

                                               Bobby was abducted from a Catholic school, Notre Dame de Sion, in Kansas City Missouri.  Bonnie posed as an aunt, saying his mother was ill, and the nuns bought the story.  I liked the story being told by one of the nuns who witnessed all as an outside observer, and carries with her, forever, reluctance and guilt.  As they all should, at that school!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 The money was gathered.  Only about $200K plus of it got back to the Greenleases.  Bobby was killed, with a bullet through the head, that same day, across the state, in  Johnson County, Kansas!  When Hall and Heady were eventually caught. and Bobby's corpse turned up, buried in the back yard of Heady's Kansas City dwelling.

                                                   That Carl and Bonnie were some pieces of trash.  They were so reviled, that, within 30 days, they were caught, tried, sentenced, and executed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You couldn't get that to happen, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Just look at these two!  Scum all the way!  To Hell, with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But my final words are saved for those whom, I feel should equally share blame--Paul Greenlease, and the nuns, back then, at Notre Dame de Sion.  In the immortal words of Betsy Palmer, as Mrs. Voorhees--

                                              "......what you DID to him!  LOOK what you DID to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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