Wednesday, December 31, 2014

For My Final Film Of 2014, The Story Of A Real Scumbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What does one see, after viewing the latest MERYL film????  Why the latest one from AMY Adams, of course.  "Big Eyes," which will definitely be my last film of 2014, is a nice one to end the year, with a quality film, featuring one of the worst scumbags on record.  I am telling you, Walter Keane, played by Christoph Waltz, is a character to despise, and he plays the role, without  arousing any degree of sympathy.

                                     He was a loser, and a failure as an artist, who happened to latch onto Margaret Keane, whom he married, and used her to further his career.  Margaret is the one who actually painted those "Big Eyed Waifs," that were so popular during the Sixties, and which I could not stand.  But they sold, like hot cakes.  Maybe this success was the beginning of the decline of artistic standards in this country.

                                      The movie does not bother to examine that.  Instead, it examines Margaret, a woman of low self-esteem, who, in a time span from 1958 to 1986, rises to the occasion, to take charge of herself. This is fundamentally what the film is about, and AMY nails it every step of the way.

                                        "Big Eyes" starts with Margaret walking out, with her young daughter, on her Southern California husband and marriage, never named.  She tries to eke out a living--which men in job authority just would not accept from a woman back in this era.  Margaret winds up in the San Francisco Art Scene, painting and selling her work in parks, where she meets, and marries, Walter Keane, a dangerous charmer, in 1955.  The charmer evolves--all too quickly, as some critics have said, and I agree!!!!--into a raging sociopath and narcissist, who degrades, abuses, and ultimately threatens to kill Margaret and her daughter, Jane.  With all the courage of AMY ADAMS, Margaret walks out on him, in 1964, divorces him in 1965, and moves to Hawaii to start a new life..

                                        The film culminates in the lawsuit and trial Margaret brings against Keane in 1986.  It is all played out too easily, like a TV Movie, but the acting is so compelling one almost does not mind.  Though it is clear Walter Keane is a real nut job, and when I heard he died in 2000, penniless, but embittered (he still felt the credit was due him!!!!!!!!) I was not surprised!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I wanted to walk up to Walter Keane, and his kind, and smack them across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You will, too, girls, after seeing this film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So see AMY ADAMS in this, then go to the St. Re
gis for Tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          AMY and Tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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