Monday, December 8, 2014

Guess Who Was The Top Story On Yahoo This Morning?????????????????

                              You are not going to believe this, girls!  When I turned on the computer this morning, at home, and the YAHOO screen came up, the first story I saw pertained to our lovable reptile friend, Gojira!

                                   It seems the cuddly creature has been keeping a low profile!  Now, you know how big a movie star he has been, and how, last summer, that star was consolidated by the huge success of last summer's American film.

                                     That film, as has been noted for quite some time, is going to get a sequel, come 2016.  But TOHO, not to be left out of the running, after having made 28 movies with Gojira, since 1954, will be making a 29th!!!!!!!!!!  And that is ALSO to be released in 2016!

                                     Two big movies in one year?  Who does this beside MERYL STREEP????????   Which should give you an idea of the star our lovable Gojira is.

                                       Personally, I cannot wait. Meanwhile, we put up the Christmas decorations yesterday, and you should see little Baby Gojira in his Christmas outfit! He is so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Just like you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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