Monday, December 8, 2014

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have You Seen The December VOGUE?????????????????????????

                          Just look how stunning Amy Adams looks!  With that windswept read hair, and that striking outfit I have not seen anything like this since, back in 1982, when Miss Anita Morris stopped the show with both her voice and outfit, plus bodily gyrations, in "A Telephone Call To The Vatican," from "Nine."  Amy looks poised and ready to do that number!  Which we know she could, darlings!

                         I am sure this issue will sell more than any, except the September one, because of the cover.  I just want to frame this cover of Amy on my wall!  And who photographed it?????????

                          It just takes my breath away, girls!  Now, what's needed is to get MERYL on the cover.  I am not sure if she has been.

                          Hey, Anna and Grace!  Get busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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