Saturday, December 6, 2014

How Did Jacqueline Susann's Tits Impact The Gay Male Community?

                              Why, as a gay man, should I even be thinking about tits?  Believe it or not, many of us do.  Come on, dolls, I am not the only one to have that Lana Turner Schwab's fantasy, and let me tell you, if you don't know now, it wasn't how she sipped that Coke that got Lana out of Schwab's, ad through the front door at Metro, it was how her chest filled out that sweater!  As anyone who has seen any of Lana's movies can purely attest to!  Even when she played sexually guilt ridden Constance MacKenzie in 1957's "Peyton Place!"  Don't tell me, you weren't aware of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Being monstrously precocious at the time, it was Miss Susann herself who made me aware of this.  When her second novel, "The Love Machine," was published in June of  1969, and she was on the promotional circuit, she said, in one interview I read, that, while she loved Gucci, she could not wear his Op Prints, because, as she clearly stated, "My boobs are too big."

                            If "Valley Of The Dolls" gave gay men figures of identification , and role models, this comment from Jackie is what caused gay men to look outward at their bodies.  And this why thousands of these men, who, in their home towns, were always the last to be chosen in gym class, or never picked at all, fled to urban locales, and became gym rats.

                              Just the other night, I was at a Christmas party, where the subject of actor Marc Kurdish's pulchritude came up, with one guest going on about his pecs and nipples, and how he would like to run his tongue over the latter.  And so, gay men don't think about tits?

                              We owe it all to Jacqueline Susann, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  She helped to form what so many of us wanted to become, or wished to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                "Is this is dream? Am I real?  Where are you?"

                                  When will we all know........why??????????????????????????????

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