Sunday, December 7, 2014

Now, We Are Down To Eighteen Days, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Eighteen days till Christmas, and even though I was in Manhattan yesterday, not a single bit of shopping was done.  I know that is not true of all my girls, who are out there shopping to the max!  Shop, until you drop!

                       Shopping?  Hell, we are not  even decorated.  After the week we have had, we are staying in, and maybe putting up the Christmas decorations, including Baby Gojira's Christmas outfit!

                         Today being a Sunday in Advent, I offer you a little heard religious song--the biggies don't come till we get closer!  "I Saw Three Ships," or, at least, an excerpt, was memorably used on the soundtrack of the opening credits of Selznick's 1935 "David Copperfield"--the definitive film  version!

                          How can you top the Mormon Tabernacle choir?  So, here they are!

                          Oh, and I am frantically trying to find a Christmas song sung by Hayley Mills!


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