Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Most Overhyped, And Worst, Cultural Event Of the Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Once I put my thinking cap on, it was not hard to come up with something to negate on.  Last year's NBC "Sound Of Music LIVE!" was an abomination, and I was hoping their December plans for this year would make up for that.  I could see the possibilities  in "Peter Pan," though I am a bit prejudiced, having been a member of the generation raised on Mary Martin!!!!!!!!!!!  Still I was willing to rear in my claws!

                              I should not have been!  Because, when the magic of Peter entering the Darling Nursery through that enormous window, then flying out, with the Darling Children to Neverland, fails to work, you  have lost me!  Not to mention Allison Williams was as butch as anything out of Henrietta Hudson's!  Even Mary Martin, an acclaimed lesbian herself, and a good deal older than Allison, was a more convincing Peter!!!!!!!!!!  It hinges on something called TALENT, loves, which Mary had in spades, while Allison has not one iota!  And when Christopher Walken, quirky as he is, is off his kilter as an actor, you know something is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I just could not bear to watch this train wreck!  Next year, I hear they are going to do "The Music Man!"

                            Heaven help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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