Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Three Most Inspirational Moments In Film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, you know things are beginning to wind down, when they get visual.  I could not decide to do this as three separate posts or as one.  I decided the latter would be more honest, and tie in the concept of "moments."

                                      The moments chosen are ones you have all  known.  I will share them with you, in the order that I first saw them.

                                        Let's start with--Judy Garland singing "Over The Rainbow, in"The Wizard Of Oz."  Back in 1959, my parents, fed up with my only watching cartoons, wanted me to see something "real."  Obviously, their intentions got mixed up along the way, for this ultimate fantasy film, molded my life, sent me on my merry way, and, of course, who would not have been captivated by Judy's voice?  I have a feeling this tops many people's Movie Moments, and it will endure forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Next up--The Initial Vision, in "The Song Of Bernadette."   I am sure this does not top many people's Movie Moments, but it does mine.  Having been raised Catholic, with issues, this gave me something to believe in, and be guided by, via Jennifer Jones' brilliantly internalized performance, combined with Arthur Miller's award winning cinematography, and Alfred Newman's Oscar winning score.  And yes, darlings, that IS Linda Darnell, up there, as the Virgin Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Now, strange as it may seem, I saw 'Bernadette' before I saw "Gone With The Wind."  I was 13, when 'Bernadette' aired on Channel 7's 11;30 Movie, "The Best Of Broadway," on Saturday, December 26, 1967.  "Gone With The Wind" I did not see until the following year, on February 25, 1968.  I was 13, in seventh grade, and all of the same filmic combinations united to create a moment to guide me in my life, and stand out as perhaps the most non-sing operatic film moment in history!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Agree, or not, these are my choices!!!!!!!!!!!  If you want to share your ones, dolls--go ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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