Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Most Unusual Photograph--Hysterical Nurse Being Meanced in "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman" (1958)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I am telling you, girls, if you go to any of your doctors, and witness any behavior like this from the nursing or support staff, grab your records, and dash out the door!

                            Actress Eileene Stevens, in this photo, must have been told to go for the Oscar gold, or else she instinctively knew, that, as a B actress, this would somehow be her signature claim to fame!  Smart move on your part; Eileene; too bad you died in 1993.  You would be 98 by now, and a hit on the Horror Convention circuit.  I doubt if anyone from the 1958 film is still alive, but this photo does it for me, when I think of this film!  So, it gets mentioned, as a tribute to this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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