Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Speaking Of Sister Camille, Darlings, How About Person Of The Year????????????????????????

                               I could not ask for a a more charming and inspirational figure for Person Of The Year than Sister Camille D'Arieenzo, of the Sisters Of Mercy.  Her weekly broadcasts on Sunday mornings I wait for breathlessly, coffee cup, in hand.  She is forward thinking, is certainly no Gladys Cooper, as Sister Marie Therese Vazous, and I bet she makes a mean tomato sauce!

                                So I just want to thank Sister Camille, on behalf of all of us here--myself, my beloved, Baby Gojira , Ramsey and Rover plus (I am including him for Sister Camille's sake) Igor!!!!!!!!!!!  Not to mention our beloved Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Though we have never met, thank you, Sister Camille!  There may be a wedding in our future, and we would love to have you!

                                  Stay tuned, on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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