Thursday, December 4, 2014

That Doris Carlson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As I told you, last week, girls, I learned a lot from watching the Roseanne Bitch Fest, the day after Thanksgiving, last Friday.  Among the marathon profiles of horrid women, I expected to find a candidate for this week's Bitch Of The Week, and, boy, did I hit pay dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Doris Carlson is no relation to Hedra Carlson, played by Jennifer Jason Leigh in 1992's "Single White Female."  For one thing, Hedy was younger, prettier, and far more sympathetic.
Doris, as you can see, is one ugly bitch, and while pretty ones can be deceptive, Doris makes it clear what she is, as her evil shows externally.

                              Now, Doris had some skills, working in nursing homes, and as a caregiver. But, hell, she just wanted to live in the lap of luxury!  Face it, Doris, dear, you are no Blythe Danner, so your chances at the High Life are lost. But that did not stop her!

                                Doris latched on to David Carlson, a down and out gambler, druggie loser, who needed someone to take care of both him and his mother.  The only reason Doris took David on was because she knew his mother Mary Lynne Carson, widowed and suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, had a big fortune and a life insurance policy, and both she and David wanted a crack at both.

                                  That David!  He should rot in hell, too.  Allowing Doris to practice elder abuse, to the point where, if Lynne fell, no one came to her aid, and she often laid in her own filth!  Disgusting!  The three were originally living in Lynne's house in Peoria, Arizona, but Lynne got herself out of there and into an assisted facility.  Smart move, that!  But it did not stop tragedy.

                                   With Lynne's income not coming to them, and these two refusing to work, David and Doris began taking in young male boarders--often shifty characters.  On the night of October 24, 1996, with Doris the mastermind, Doris drove two of these scumbags, John McReaken and Scott Smith, to the nursing home, to finish off Lynne. But either they could not do the job, or Lynne was stronger than one thought. Because, though she had been beaten and stabbed, she survived, dying six months later, compounded by her illness and the attack.

                                    Enough to put Doris and her hired hands away in jail  Doris was originally sentenced to death, but got it reduced to Life Without Parole!  Too bad, though she will rot there, and then burn in Hell! How inhumane can you be?

                                       Doris' henchman, John McReaken, is serving a Life Sentence. Young accomplice Scott Smith got only ten years!  And that David Carlson got Life for conspiracy to commit murder!  His own mother!

                                         None of them wouldn't be behind bars, if not for Doris! She was the worst!

                                          Burn, Doris, Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Just watched this story on Investigation Discovery. Too bad this bitch got off so easily. She needs to be put on a chain gang so the ugly trick would HAVE to work...the one thing she hated tobe forced to do.


  2. I agree! She is perfect for a chain gang!


  3. That just might be happening, and I agree.
    Even by prison standards, she is a pretty despicable character.

  4. She had a death sentence but it got changed to life in prison.... why???? She should get the chair!!!!!


  5. I agree. For all she did, Doris seemed to get off easy.
    I beelive in some way she will get hers!
