Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Gay "Fatal Attraction???????????????" You Better Believe It, Lamb Chops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  There is simply no accounting for taste, girls. Neither Gene Thurnau, pictured left, and Bob Peterson, on the right, were anything to look at.  But both came together with tragic results, and this was dramatized on the story "Star Crossed Murder," aired on ID's program, "A Stranger In My Home."

                                     It all started, in the early 2,000's at the St. Pete/Clearwater airport in Florida. Both Bob and Gene worked there, as air traffic controllers.  I am sure they made a very nice salary, especially in Florida, though I still do not understand how Bob Peterson was able to just buy and rent homes, the way he did, on his income!

                                       Gene and Bob worked together. Gene was outgoing and gregarious; Bob was not.  He was not anti-social, he just did not fit in, at least around other people. At least, until Bob showed him some male camaraderie.  Nothing wrong with that.  But, when Gene met Juanita, who eventually became his wife, Bob was not happy--though he sort of kept it to himself.

                                         Bob was even more unhappy when Gene and Juanita moved to a home of their own, Land O'Lakes House, in Hillsborough County, which necessitated him transferring to an airport, near there.

                                          Well, guess what?  Bob insisted on buying the home the Thurnaus were moving out of!!!!!!  Not seeing anything wrong with this, they gladly sold; he had the funds, so there was nothing to question. Though he did specify that the house be sold as furnished--so he bought all their furniture, too!!!!!!!!!  What they did not know was how unhappy he was they did not keep their bed linens, which he wanted for himself!!!!!!!!!! He kept their bed and mattress set, but had to buy his own linen!!!!!!!  I sense fetishism here.

                                            You would be right, girls! Bob wanted that linen, which Gene had slept in, so he could fantasize lying next to Gene, sniffing his scent! Uh-huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Do you think I am kidding, darlings???????????  No rabbits were boiled here, but, wait, it gets better!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Gene and Bob continued to interact the same at work. But there was something now different about Bob that was emerging, which Juanita, Gene's wife, could not put her finger on.  What the couple did not know was that, outside of work hours, Bob would make the lengthy trip from his current home (which had once been the Thurnaus') to his co worker's current residence, so he could look at it, and photograph it.

                                                  Eventually, Bob began hinting, none too subtly for invitations to visit the couple in their new home.  On November 1, 2006, they capitulated.  Bob showed up, and they all shared a drink--fine.  Juanita had some after hours shopping to do, and wished Bob would leave. But he just kept on dragging out his welcome, until he returned with a gift for them, which turned out to be a photo book record he had compiled, of the Thuranu house,  during various phases of its
enhancement. That is when things began to get uncomfortable; they realized he had taken these pictures, without them knowing it, because he had been driving by periodically, while they were completely unaware.

                                                     This was too much for Juanita. Nevertheless, she thanked Bob politely, and left.  Bob and Gene had the place to themselves. That is when the trouble really ratcheted up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Now they were alone, Bob told Gene he had something to show, him, that he wanted Gene to read. He went to the car, and retrieved this written document, which turned out to be a letter of unrequited gay love that Bob harbored toward Gene. Though I don't see why; he was not much to look at. And, let's face it, even if Gene had been gay, he would never have given Bob a second glance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        The letter was to the point, to say the least. It ended with one of the most unforgettable prosaic lines I have ever heard--"I will not leave, until I taste your manhood!!!!!!!!!"  I kid you not, dolls!  Not even Jackie Susann or Tennessee Williams ever came up with that one!!!!!!!!!!!!  As for me, if someone ever handed me something like this, I would have marched into the kitchen, mixed together some Jell-O chocolate pudding, shoved a wooden spoonful of it in the guy's mouth, till he choked, and said, "Here, taste THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                            Which is what Gene Thurnau should have done.  It might have saved his life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Alas, he did all the wrong things. First, he spurned Bob in an overtly aggressive way that asserted both his heterosexuality and--give me a break!!!!!!--his position as  a Christian!  Apparently, Bob, being gay, Gene did not consider Bob as Christian!  Like, fuck you!  So, it is no wonder at that point Bob went around the bend. Now, I am not saying what comes  next he was justified in doing. What I am saying was, had things been handled another way, they might not have gone down as they had.

                                                               Juanita returned home to an empty house.  There were splotches of red on the floor she at first thought was jam--like, what kind of housekeeper was Gene????  Being straight is no excuse for jam on the floor!--except it was not jam, but human blood. Then, she saw discarded clothing items of Gene's all over the place. She searched the house. No Gene, or Bob.

                                                                  I believe Bob may have killed Gene in his own home, after coming on to him, overtly. He might have even had necrophile sex with the corpse, but I cannot prove it.  What Bob did do was take that corpse to his other home, a rented dwelling in Safe Harbor. The bodies were found two days later, by which time Juanita had called the police, and Bob's brother, Anthony, who knew he was gay, got involved.

                                                                  At the Safe Harbor home, police found sex toys, suggesting Bob may have been renting this space to use as some sort of Sex Palace!!!!!!!!!!  But the fairy tale ended, when police found Gene's naked body on the floor, bleeding, and shot through the head.
Bob, in his undies, was on the bed, shot through his head. He had committed suicide.

                                                                   Add to this that Gene had been genitally mutiliated. What gives here? And the parts were never found? Did Bob consume them?  I would not be a bit surprised!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     Which is what happens with these Fatal Attraction types; as Glenn Close well understood, they self-destruct, and  kill themselves.  What saddens me is this did not have to be. Even Gene's wife, Juanita, espoused that, saying while she mourns the loss, at the same time she cannot bring herself to hate Bob. More power to you, hon!!!!!!!!!  Bob was in torment over his sexuality virtually his whole life.  He was 48 at the time of his death, meaning he was born in 1958.  Hell, he was just a few years younger than me; there was help out there, places to go--New York, San Francisco.  Why the hell did you go to Florida, anyway, Bob?  That was a wrong move!  Being closeted does not pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!   As disturbing as the story is, the thing I keep telling myself was, "It did not have to happen this way!"

                                                                       I don't know what kind of upbringing Bob had, but it must have been some fucked up, heterosexist shit!!!!!!!!!!!!  When does it stop?  There are two victims here, not just one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Just goes to show--that "Fatal Attraction" thing crosses all generations, genders, and sexual orientations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             It does not require Glenn Close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. this episode haunted me for days! so weird. I was telling everyone at work about it and like you loved "I will not leave, until I taste your manhood!!!!!!!!!"

    but they did say they checked Bob's stomach contents and the penis wasn't there so God only knows what that sick fuck did with it.

    i think if the wife had stayed Bob might not have gone off, at least that night. she thinks she would have been killed also but i disagree.

    very sad situation all around.

    1. I think if she stayed he would have killed her too.

    2. I watched this episode, telling my friend about it. What series was this in?

    3. Did they check Bob's ..um..well
      Bob's rectum?
      How sick is that.

    4. This is one of the saddest murder on Investigation Discovery I've ever heard. Just ridiculously sad. Gene and his wife should have seen Bob had a real thing for Gene. Just do the math. Easy! I dont blame Bob because he was too sick in the head...too far gone when he followed Gene to Florida! Right there game over! I really blame Gene for not confronting Bob early on and rxposing this onsession Bob had for him. All of that should have been reported to their job supervisors and human resources. Threatening Bob's livelyhood may have made him back off? What do yall think?


  2. Yes, it was a sad situation. Hard to say what would have happened had Bob's wife stayed. My guess is she might have been killed, too, because he regarded her as the obstacle to their being together. Until he discovered Bob was not interested.

    I felt sad for all, even Bob. As I said in the post, there is help out there for those like him!

  3. This article is disgusting. First of all, to call Gene out on his faith? If he doesn't believe in being gay that's his right. What that sick fuck did to him was uncalled for no matter HOW he was rejected. Second of all, you weren't there to say for sure that Gene reacted aggressively so how can you say he should have handled it better? Gene could have been stern but not angry in his rejection. But given Bob's issues, and finding out that the man he loved didn't love him back caused him to snap. Third of all, to keep repeating that Gene wasn't much to look at? Ignorant. Looks aren't everything. Apparently, Gene was nice to Bob when he had no1 and stayed to himself. Perhaps Bob mistook that friendliness for something more and fell in love with him,hoping for it to be reciprocated. This article is a joke.


  4. Oh, honey, don't get your knickers in a snit! I agree with you that rejection caused Bob to snap. But with the climate of homophobia out there, one should not act until one is certain the object of their affection actually is gay!

    Now, go have some coffee, dear!

    1. There was only one victim and that was Gene. Who cares if Bob was tormented. We’ve all been tortured by something in life. That does not give home carte blanche to murder someone. That’s insulting to other gay people. Tired of the crutch people use.

  5. This article was wrote by someone to ignorant..I mean to tall about ones looks and to basically use this case to preach there own problems basically grow up..

  6. I saw this on the ID channel and yes, it was a very strange, bizarre and unfortunate story. To answer your question, air traffic controllers make 6-figure salaries of 100k+ very easily. With that being said, Bob had no one to support but himself so income wise I'm sure he was in a good position.

  7. I saw this on the ID channel and yes, it was a very strange, bizarre and unfortunate story. To answer your question, air traffic controllers make 6-figure salaries of 100k+ very easily. With that being said, Bob had no one to support but himself so income wise I'm sure he was in a good position.

  8. Tasha,
    Thanks for sharing, and the info on air traffic controllers;
    I had no idea they were so well paid. Though, with the skills
    required it makes sense. Feel free to drop in here, anytime!

  9. I think he disposed of it. He wanted this man's sex so badly. For yrs probably.If I can't have it no one ever will. It is a sign of control/dominance. Look up penile amputation.

  10. I think he disposed of it. He wanted this man's sex so badly. For yrs probably.If I can't have it no one ever will. It is a sign of control/dominance. Look up penile amputation.

  11. I will. I mean, not a topic of my favor, despite
    some of the stuff I write on here. But I never thought
    of that in terms of this case! Thanks!

  12. Very, very sad story...feel awful for the wife of Gene, who has been completely gracious in trying to understand Bob obviously had issues. I think I would have an awful lot of anger to work thru, had it been my husband this happened to.
    Bob must've surely KNOWN that Gene was not homosexual or bisexual. Bob's family said he was openly gay! Yet in all those years, he never told Gene or anyone at work.


  13. The whole thing is tragic, and why I feel,
    as a gay man myself, that being closeted is the

  14. Bob at the time this murder occurred probably could not declare himself Gay. While corporate America hires gay men it does not encourage people to declare their open sexual preferences. As a psychotherapist I have noticed that Gay men who pursue other men don't care if the man they pursue is a genuine Heterosexual. They will delusion-ally believe that they will be able to convert the hetero man to love them, becoming gay in the process. This is of course naive thinking. The one moral to this story is that a person should be somewhat skeptical if someone else is giving you too much attention that you have no intention of reciprocating, especially if the person is of the same sex. Gene let this charade go on too long without being forceful enough to end it.


  15. Listen, hon, not every gay man
    pursues straights and tries to
    convert them. Speaking from
    experience, I can say that while
    there are many straight men out
    there I might find attractive,
    it would never occur to me to
    hit on them. What would be
    the point?

    1. There is no difference between this and any other stalker/murder situation. I worked at a courthouse and the restraining orders I saw, mostly for women trying to escape men, but a few the other way, were terrifying. To exploit the gay/straight angle is scurrilous. It's a mental health issue. Further, you did not address the issue of how you seemed to have been present to witness Gene's rejection. Many people I love are gay,and you do them a disservice when you use his sexual orientation as an excuse for a heinous and despicable act.

  16. I don't understand what either one of their looks had to do with this article.One was obviously mentally ill, and the other a born again Christian. For a community that is always preaching tolerance, and acceptance,your article just shows how classless and bitchy you truly are.

    1. And this raving queen not much to look at! Get urself a mirror,ahole!

  17. No one knows what took place while the two men were alone before Bob slaughtered Gene so mercilessly. The way I took the scenario they put forth, was that Gene said the unchristian part would be him committing adultery against his wife. Having said that, it is so unfair to espouse tolerence and acceptance ONLY if people agree with your opinion. For people who believe that the Bible means what it says, adultery is a sin as well as homosexuality, as well as a whole list of things...ie....lying, cheating, backstabbing,gossiping,etc...even disrespecting ones parents.God doesn't quantify sin, except for being an infidel, man does that. We all sin but we are suppose to TRY not to. Just because someone disagrees with a person, that in NO WAY means the same thing as hating someone. Bob was so screwed up, it wouldn't have matter how he rejected his sexual advances, the last disturbing sentence of the letter proves that...I'm NOT LEAVING here without tasting your manhood!! And by the way, murder is listed in the Bible as a sin too.


  18. Maria,

    While I admit my posts can be
    sometimes bitchy, it is usually
    intentional, not the case here.

    I have a low opinion of Florida
    and its overbearing values, based
    on 30 years of experience my father
    and relations. Bob should have
    realized to be gay there was a
    big mistake, added to which there
    was not much there. As for looks,
    let me say gay men are often vainer
    than women supposedly are said to be.


  19. Catherine,

    OK, he was gung ho about The Bible.
    I get that. But, as you said, murder
    gets top billing in terms of sins,
    and, just because he erred, there was no need to
    commit murder or sexual mutilation here.
    It must have been embarrassing for Bob, as he
    must have gotten the mistaken impression
    both were on the same page, so to speak.
    Any gay men--and I am one--have made a mistake
    or two in their time. But I don't know
    any who have killed over it. We just move on.

  20. This article is written in a very strange way.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


  22. Unknown,

    I will admit to an outrageousness about
    my style, but strange? Would love to
    hear your explanation.


  23. Oh, Honey, Get Over It!

    Aren't you a bit behind the times?

    And think about what you do--pissing
    into a beer can on a coffee table from
    across the room of your trash trailer,
    while staring at your White Surpremacist
    Confederate flag, and then sucking wisdom
    from your mother's teat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Wow! That’s cold! And complete “surmising”! Very judge mental and assuming...

  24. You are really an awful person. Sorry I read this article.


  25. Cheryl,
    Hey, you are entitled to your
    opinion. But I never said
    Bob was justified doing what
    he did. And the only thing
    I find insulting in the gay
    community--of which I am a
    member--is its occasional

    Your lack of compassion for
    the torment Bob was going through--
    and again I am not justifying what he
    did--makes me question the kind of
    person you are. And you call me
    an awful person?

    I wouldn't so judgemental...dear!!!!!!!!

  26. Nurslaura37,

    I don't dispute what you say
    about Bob. But stop to
    think what made him this
    way--he was troubled long
    before meeting Gene.

    We don't know Bob's
    back story, but I bet the
    anti-gay climate he was most likely
    raised around contributed to his
    mental state. The tragedy is he
    did not get the help he needed,
    or none of this would have happened.


  27. Cheryl,

    I meant, "I wouldn't be so judgemental.....dear!!!!!!!!!!!!


  28. Well, Nancy!

    You are a wicked queen! Look
    in a mirror???? Back at you,
    dear? Who is the fairest one of all.

    Seriously, I wanted to alert you and
    all commentators on this piece that this
    story is going to be done again, on ID,
    next Saturday night, on the series, "The
    Killer Beside Me." It will be interesting
    to see how it is handled there.

    1. Raven Queen I love your sense of humor and realize your review was done in a light hearted manner and not with vicious intent. I stumbled on this by accident but I wish I knew how and where I would go to read your blogs. Love your style my dear

  29. This story is so disturbing because these people were so completely unaware of this guy's sickness until it was too late. It's important to note that this was an act committed by a psychopath who, like Jeffrey Dahmer, wanted to possess the object of his fixation by force. He didn't see Gene as a person, and that's important to understand when you assume any repression of homosexuality had anything to do with it. In fact, I think it's hurtful and unfair to even factor it in.

    As you said, you were born in a time when homosexuality was considered sexual deviancy, and despite your own orientation I wonder if you don't still kind of believe it.

    Lots of people are repressed, abused, persecuted, rejected, and victimized. They don't brutally murder and mutilate people because of it. Homosexuality is no different. This man stalked and killed another human being because he had no ability to feel remorse or compassion, not because he was gay and not because someone reacted wrong.

    There are too many of these anti-social disorders in the world now. Frontal lobe damage from lead exposure? I don't know, but I don't trust anyone anymore.

  30. The whole story is sad... and Gene was not the only victim here... his friends family and his wife were devastated.... Bob was not a victim in this case.. but some where in his individual timeline he was a victim.. I guarantee it.... I pray his wife family and friends are given the ability to be at peace.. and the souls of both men are at rest.

  31. I don't know why anyone would ever say there were 2 victims. That's laughable, there was one. Gene got killed for being friendly. It blows my mind someone would feel sorry for bob after what he did to the only person who was nice to him.

  32. This article is terrible! You should be ashamed! You all but blamed the victim for his own murder! All he did was try to be a nice, warm, and welcoming person and this psycho killed him. He took a wonderful person from this world and you make light of that fact in this article.

  33. Two things bothered me about your article.
    Your writing style, opinions, and use of the (!) are very bizarre. I believe you may suffer from some sort of mental illness.
    2) You explained the confrontation right before the shooting. I found this odd seeing as you literally have no idea what happened because, well... you weren't there.

  34. The Raving Queen is more like “The Raving Moron” ... you are a horrible person! You have some nerve to say theirs TWO victims AND to say that “wait it gets better” ... you are disgusting!! Someone who was innocent was murdered. You disgust me!!

  35. To The Raving Queen. I loved this article. I just watched this episode on Stranger beside me. You article was intriguing, funny and kept me wanting more. Keep doing what your doing. You stand out from the rest.

  36. Bob stalked Gene for 8 years is what I saw on The Killer Beside Me. Seems to me Gene and his wife (especially Gene) should have known something was wrong with Bob, buying the same truck Gene had, following Gene from Nebraska to Florida and buying his house from him. To me those were dead giveaways and Gene should have stopped it. This is a really sad story about what happened to Gene. I agree, better out the closet than in.


  37. To: Your Menu Is Upside Down,
    To you and others I say, first, I am
    going to do a post on how "The Killer
    Beside Me" recently handled this case,
    so watch for it.
    There Bob's psychosis was emphasized
    more than his homosexuality. I agree
    people who get rejecred, gay or straifht,
    do not resort to murder, so there were
    problems. I have never denied that.
    But not enough of Bob's back story is known
    to understand what made him this way.


  38. Pat In Jersey,
    I have never denied Bob was mentally
    disturbed. The recent program on this
    case made it abundantly clear,

    There is a reason for Bob's disturbance,
    and that has never been explored. Even if
    he were abused, this does not justify killing
    and mutilating Gene. But Bob's act was
    the culmination of something, not a beginning.


  39. Theresa,
    I agree with what you say.
    Ultimately the story is so sad.
    For all concerned. I got
    the impression Gene's wife was
    more astute. She knew something
    was not right, but just chalked it
    up to Bob being eccentric and a loner.
    Even had Bob not been gay, his behavior
    would have been thought strange. I agree
    with you, the purchasing of the same truck
    would have been a red flag. And transferring
    to the same company. Gene's brother said that
    was a hard thing to get, so how did Bob manage
    it in three months? Some kind of manipulation
    on his part.


  40. Unknown,
    Thank you so much. I am glad
    you enjoyed the piece. Feel free
    to drop on here, anytime.


  41. Jenny, The Owl Lady,
    Hoo! Hoo!
    Take a chill pin, hon.
    Actually there were multiple
    victims--Gene's wife, members of
    her and Bob's families were victims,
    as well. Jaye Jaye poor thing could
    not bring herself to mention the gential
    mutilation, and I do not blame you.

    Are you from Salem, darling? Because
    calling me a moron, would be like me accusing
    you of witchcraft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  42. Brandon,
    Let's start with the confrontation.
    Actually, even the programmers do not know
    how it went down, because as you and others
    correctly state, no one was there but Gene
    and Bob.

    My opinions are who I am. If you cannot
    deal with it, then voice your disagreement or
    stay away. I haven't had many comments recently
    about !!!!!!! but it is a gimmick I occasionally
    use, recently less so. This post was originally
    written several years ago, when they were more
    rampant. Again, deal with it!


  43. Merry Melodies,

    I believe the program said there
    was an autopsy done. Nothing was
    found in the stomach. If things
    had been anywhere else in him,
    they would have turned up.

    Granted, it is mysterious that it
    vanished. My guess is Bob killed
    Gene in Gene's home, did the mutiliation
    there, and dumped it in some watery Florida
    enclave, where it would never be found!!!!!!!!!


  44. Hannah,

    I have repeatedly said Gene's murder was not
    justified. But I still say had the situation
    been handled better, he might still be alive.
    But Gene--and I don't blame him for this--was
    clueless. Not only did he get Bob was gay, how
    could he have known Bob would stalk him? Anyone
    who has faces stalking has no idea, until it
    happens to them. So I do not blame Gene. I never

    What I wish was that more of Bob's back story was
    known. It may explain how he got to the point that he did.
    And had this happened before, with any other men?


  45. Mark,
    What Bob did to Gene was horrible, but
    something in his background drove him to it.
    And that was never explained. If I feel sorry
    for Bob, it is because I believe some extended
    trauma early in life pushed him to this.

    Bob may have been engineered chemically as a ticking
    time bomb and I can accept that. But combine that
    with trauma, and, sooner or later, the bomb will go off.


  46. Shelly,

    Thank you for your kind words. You can read
    my posts by typing in The Raving Queen at Google,
    or linking on to www.theravingqueen.blogspot.com.
    Hope you find more to enjoy!

  47. ID sometimes repackages their stories. Saw this one a few nights ago under a different title. Yeah, Bob, whether straight or gay, had a lot of mental problems. Pining for a guy who isn't interested in you is one thing, killing him a whole different thing. Too bad old Gene didn't have a gun in his pocket. Gene was okay looking, but Bob was a total troll. Sad all around.


  48. Slim Jim,

    I agree Bob was a total troll.
    Not that trolls cannot find love,
    but Gene was, shall we say, out of his
    league. Being gay and unattractive
    does not necessarily mean one cannot
    find a partner. I am no Jake Gyllenhaal,
    but have been happily married for a time now.

    That said, poor Gene never had a clue. When
    Bob purchased the truck, that should have been
    a red flag. But Gene and his wife just chalked
    up the weirdness to eccentricity. Nothing dangerous
    or threatening.

    If Bob had been rational, and Gene more astute,
    this tragedy might have been avoided. I agree
    with you, it was sad all around.

    Thanks for the comment.

  49. Good article. I'm fascinated by this story cause it's bat shit crazy...my first thought of Bob was he did all of this over Gene who is nothing to look at. Nothing at all. That was the first sign he was losing it. Bob was just to unassuming and too naive. Sad


  50. King Elite,
    I agree with you, but
    Bob was not mentally stable.
    Unattractive folk find partners;
    not all couples out there, gay or
    straight, are of Hollywood caliber.

    The first sign of trouble, I think,
    was following Gene when he moved.

    Which is why I wanted more of Bob's
    back story. Things had been going wrong
    long before this.

    Thanks for your comments. I am glad
    you enjoyed the post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. This was a very unusual and interesting case that I saw on ID channel. I thought I would do some research to try and get more information. I came across this site and I honestly couldn’t get past the first two sentences. How disrespectful and nasty of a person can you be! Unnecessary.


  52. Bashton T. Paahty,

    Maybe if you had read beyond
    the first two sentneces, you
    would have grasped their context.
    Maybe not. Because others who
    have read the whole thing have
    stated what you did.

    I will say this. I welcome your
    opinion, but it is fascinating to me
    that this post is, if not the most,
    one of the most frequently commented

    Were this a man-woman story, would it
    have elicited the same comments, or
    amount? I wonder.

  53. Man-woman? Gender and sexuality have nothing to do with it. Your lack of compassion and disrespect is the issue. Remember these men (especially Gene but including Bob) have people who loved them. The article would have been informative without the comic relief seeing that it missed its mark and instead displayed a plain lack of compassion.


  54. Baahston Paahy,

    I am not unaware that both Bob
    and Gene had people who loved them.
    In one of the posts--either this or
    the one I did regarding "The Killer
    Beside Me" expresses compassionate
    for those folk, who are victimized
    by this tragedy, too.

    This could have happened no matter
    what gender or sexual orientation--
    you are right about that--but I feel
    so many detracting comments stem from
    this being a matter between two men,
    and can't deal with it. Deal with it,

  55. Primetime,

    Boy, are you misinformed!
    If you read the post, nowhere
    do I justify Bob's actions. I
    can understand his motives, but
    I never said he was right in
    killing Gene. If you look
    carefully, somewhere I say that
    when Bob showed up at Gene's job,
    and then bought the exact same truck,
    those should have been red flags for Gene.

    I'm nuts? You're the nut, Captain Marvel!
    As for being who I am, well, darling, this is it,
    so if you cannot handle it, go elsewhere!

    Interesting you write this during the
    beginning of what here in NYC is Gay Pride
    Week. This is when you see the most superficial
    aspects of the community--which I do not share.

    Now, go set your afternoon tea, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Queen, I found your blog by searching the victim and offender by name. Yours is one of the 1st sites that appeared. It has zero to do with any gay pride event or you being gay.

      I respect you as a gay male. I am straight but firmly support your rights and do not stand behind anyone who feels gays are any less entitled to live freely and equally.

      My issue with you has zero to do with your sexual orientation. Rather, you seem to think homosexuals are better than others and should be considered at least as a 2nd victim when they commit egregious actions. Had Gene killed Bob because he would not accept Bob's homosexuality or even if he was able to get the gun, kill Bob in self-defense, I bet dollars doughnuts you would be outraged that the gay basher was a murderer.

      The simple facts here all point to Bob as one sick fuck. Minimizing or justifying it in any way is just wrong.

      "So, it is no wonder at that point Bob went around the bend."

      You are saying that Gene had it coming with that comment and just before that quote, ironically, you infer you do not accept that Bob has rights to act as a christian as he sees fit. However, your lifestyle should be revered, with entire cities allowing gays to express pride for a week. But damn the christians because they think differently. Hmmmm... Hypocritical much?

    2. Fwiw, Queen, I do enjoy your writing style. It has the facts and humor. You definitely inflect that you are a Queen (no disrespect intended)! I just think your deduction that Gene should have behaved differently to save his life and your empathy for Bob are way off. I mean disturbingly off.

      Reading some of your other replies in the comments here, maybe what you wrote comes off a bit outside of your intent, but you still look at these events far differently than me. I can agree to disagree! God Bless!


  56. Primetime,

    Of course I agree to disagree. That is what
    this fourm is all about. I actually do agree
    with you that Bob was one sick fuck; what I am
    interested in there is how his upbringing or
    peronsal experience led to his getting that way.
    In the sense of having his life ruined, being
    driven to suicide, and ruining Gene and his family,
    I regard Bob as both perp and victim, since his family,
    too was touched by this tragedy.

    I never considered your issues with me about sexual
    orientation. Though I have to admit, if you had asked
    me the same question about a gay basher, years back, I
    would probably have said, "String him up!" Now, as
    with Bob, I would want to know what made the basher the
    he was.

    Feel free to peruse. I do lighten up, sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!


  57. I agree he would have
    killed her, too. He
    regarded her as the

    Boy, are you off!
    Rad it again! I say how
    understanding Jaye Jaye tried
    to be, and how admirable of
    her not to hate Bob in the face
    of what happened. Bob was sick,
    yes, but this had been building for
    a long time. Not much is known
    back story, and that's where all the
    gay hate must have started!

  58. Never let the Devil in for the ride, because sooner or later he will wanna drive. Gene should have put his foot down when he saw Bob violating his and his wife's personal space. Most people don't wanna be rude, but sometimes you just have to be, the devil won't play with you...don't play along with him, he's cunning, deceitful and faudulent , stay close to God and He will alert you when the Devil is scheming to destroy you!!


  59. Unknown,

    I agree with you. Gene
    was just not that aware,
    or, as you said, did not
    want to be rude. When
    Bob showed up Gene's new
    work place, and then brought
    an identical truck, that is
    when I would have been creeped out/

  60. Vette,

    This story was done twice on two different
    ID programs. The first was "A Stanger In My
    Home," the second was "The Killer Beside Me."

  61. Wow.Just Wow You are an awful person!


  62. Unknown,

    I am not denying mental instability
    in Bob. I believe had Bob been straight,
    the story would have played out similarly--
    except the victim would have been a woman.

    I disagree there is only one Bob victim. Bob
    was mentally ill. He took his life less out of
    fear of jail then of despair over if he could not
    have Gene, he could not have no one. Loneliness
    is an emotional killer among the gay community.
    Believe me!


  63. Jolene,

    You know, this story was re-broadcast
    on "The Killer Beside Me." I said as
    soon as I saw that, I knew the attacks
    would return.

    I was not trying to be a jerk.
    I was trying to point out how Bob was
    in need of help he did not get, and so
    became as unstable as he did. Gene had
    no clue Bob was ill--this is not his fault--
    rather the two deficiencies created a
    perfect storm.

    I feel for the victims and the families.
    Jay Jay at one point said that while she
    is saddened, she cannot find it in herself
    to hate Bob.

    I don't say gays do jerky things, and I
    have written some riotous pieces on here!
    But that's not what I was going for, here.

    Sweeet tea, darling??????????

  64. Ok, let me start by admitting that I laughed out loud pretty hard when you talk about going to the kitchen and shoving the Jello Choc pudding down the guy's throat and saying 'EAT THIS!!'....I love that....but I have to say that the major thing that irks me about gay men is how damned superficial they are. I have had a lot of gay friends in my life (dunno why, they are like moths to a flame to my admitted nuttiness) and looks are so much a priority, and not being funny here, but none of them were any oil painting to look at. I have just watched 'The Killer Beside Me' re. this terrible case and I can TOTALLY see what Jaye Jaye fell in love with. Gene had a big heart, a kindness about him and he sure loved his dogs (a winner for me personally...yes, pathetic but true). He seemed a lovely man, and I actually think he was not UNattractive at all and his heart made him more so. It amazes me just how many ugly ass gay men set their standards way higher than what stares back at them in the mirror. Amazing. As for feeling sorry for Bob, hell no. He was out and about dicking many men before he latched on like a dose of the clap to poor Gene, so he was not some sad and pathetic loser who could not show his true self to the world. He was just a sick stalker who wanted someone he could not have, well boo hoo hoo, we have all been there....difference is we don't go to the extreme of murder. We build a bridge, get over it and get on with life. Personally, I hope the asshole rots for what he did to a seemingly genuinely nice man. As a straight woman I can attest to the fact that they are bloody hard to come by these days!!


  65. Unknown,

    I don't deny a lot of what
    you say, like the superficiality of
    some gay men. Speaking from experience,
    I think we all reach for the stars when
    young and are hormones are raging. But
    the reality, when found, as I did, is
    so much better.

    You are right Bob was out getting lots
    of "action;" his problem was he had
    reached a point where he thought he had
    found the real thing, only he was wrong.
    His sickness stemmed from not moving on,
    as most would. Gene, while victimized should
    have been more clued in--if a former coworker
    transferred to my job site, and bought a truck
    exactly like mine, red flags would go off
    for me. Think of the movie "Single White

    Bob was mentally ill, but I still feel bad
    for him. Gene and Jaye Jaye moreso. Oh,
    and, darlings, if you think finding a decent
    straight man is tough, going the gay route is
    even tougher. For all reasons previously

    I really lucked out, and thank God every

    Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I saw this today on ID, and several things struck me as very odd. Not to be disrespectful of the dead, but I wondered if maybe there was a relationship between the two men in the past that might have inspired Bob to follow Gene from one state to another? I say this because he (Bob) obviously went to great lengths to be with him (Gene).
    Gene was a Christian, so that would have been a definite no-no. Also he was previously married for 20 plus years with no children, and he and his present wife were using artificial means of conceiving.. although she already had 3 children that presumably she had naturally..idk...very odd...


  68. Inquisitive,

    I saw this same story on
    two different programs. I
    never got the idea there had
    been any relationship between
    Gene and Bob, other than Gene showing
    him friendship.

    As you said, Gene was Christian, which would
    have prevented his having a homosexual relationship.
    The relationship was something manufactured in Bob's
    disturbed mind. Gene should have been more astute
    about what was going on, but, unfortunately, he was not.

    As for the children thing, I did not pick up on
    that. I have known many childless straight couples
    who are perfectly happy. But sometimes, with the
    clock ticking, there can be a change of mind.

    Thanks for your comments!


  69. Tasha,

    You certainly had a lot to say,
    and I am glad you were able to
    get it all out. I will try to
    respond to the points that
    stood out for me in your

    I agree Bob needed help. He had
    a brother, who knew Bob was gay, but
    may not have known how disturbed he was.
    That Bob was keeping a speaprate residence
    filled with sex toys says he was on the make.
    His family may have tried to get him help,
    but he rejected it. Gene, I think, was the
    man Bob really wanted to be--some part of
    his was self-loathing, and that resulted in'
    the stalking, attraction, and obesseion. If
    only Gene and his wife were aware of this type
    of behavior on Bob's part, this may not have

    Now, what is this you say-the way I understand
    it--about gays pursuing straights being a stereotype?
    Au contraire, it is more common than you think, especially
    among self hating gays. I had a friend who would be
    constantly attracted to straight men at work, would befriend
    them, only to consistently become depressed when they did not
    want more--not even a one to one cup of coffee. His experience
    is not unique among gay men. The general public just does not
    hear about it often.

    I also agree with you that if Bob were obsessed with a straight
    woman, this would have happened; hence my "Fatal Attraction"
    reference in the post. This kind of behavior can reach across
    all sexual orientations.

    But I was glad you took the time to comment. Thanks!

  70. It was actually Safety Harbor where the bodies were found. Not a normal thing at all for this very expensive artsy town, that prides itself in diversity and a great sense of community. Bo was truly a fruitcake!


  71. Janet,

    I have never been to Safety Harbor,
    but have heard of it. No denying
    Bob was a deeply disturbed person.
    Someone should have intervened for
    him to get help!

  72. I think Bob watched too much gay porn with fantasies (incest, doing it with your straight best friend, etc.) that he developed his own fantasy with Gene. POOR GENE.


  73. Analyst,
    Point taken, but lots of gay
    men watch porn, nurse fantasies,
    but don't act on them at all, or
    in ways that take peoples' lives.

    Bob had a second residence that
    had sex toys, and was where he
    could exercise his lusts. I am
    not sure he was looking for love
    at the time of Bob. He may have
    been too far gone already!


  74. Darling,
    What is your point of asking this?
    To start some dumb, homophobic rant???????????

  75. Oh man,this is scary stuff. I use to work in a casino in my younger days and some chick became infatuated with me, me, being a young women going through divorce at the time. I am heterosexual and have many LGBTQ friends. She made an ass of herself in public and chased me around, wouldn't take no for an answer. I had to change in and out of uniform in the locker room, SHE was always there, WATCHING!!! she kind of stalked me, popping out of nowhere and buying gifts for me which I didn't take. Finally she jumped me literally, in the locker room, trying to kiss me and grabbing me, HOLY SHYT!!!! I BEAT the crap out of her in the locker room. We were both reprimanded, she was terminated and I was kept because others stood up for me. I met a boyfriend and she finally left me alone. Freaking 2 years of hell with her bugging us. It took her some time to get over it. Cops will not do anything unless someone is being physically injured. Couldn't get a protection order. Was on my own. SCARY!!! Boyfriend and I married and after 30 yrs he passed. Still single and ok with that.


  76. Bizzymom702,

    Wow! What a story! I am
    curious--was this woman a coworker,
    because how did she gain access to
    your work locker room?

    I was in a similar situation with
    a gay man way back, and it was
    scary. I did get an RO, and the
    police intervened.

    Sorry you lost your spouse, but
    glad things are better for you.

    Good Luck!

  77. I knew Gene. We attended the air traffic academy in Oklahoma City together in 1989. I was horrified to hear about his murder that another classmate of ours found out about on the internet. He was the dearest, most honest and kind man....God Bless!


  78. Unknown,

    I am so sorry for your loss.
    Gene did not deserve what happened to himn;
    no one does. If only someone around the sceen
    had been more aware!


  79. Chloe,
    To whom are you addressing this
    comment. The others, or myself?
    I will respond, but need clarification!

  80. You are a cunt. Show some fucking respect

  81. pc_tech,

    Thank you so much, darling!
    Now, go and try to fit into your
    mother's girdle!

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Maurice,

    I would have loved to hear what
    you had to say. Don't be afraid
    to express anything on here. My
    answers, though, are another matter.
