Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This Could Be The Literary Event Of The Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! But We Will Have To Wait Until September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You recall all the hoopla attendant to the anticipation of Donna Tartt's novel, "The Goldfinch?"  Well, the same is now happening, concerning Jonathan Franzen's latest, forthcoming novel, entitled "Purity."  And, yes, darlings, Purity IS the heroine's name!

                                   Is this some kind of riff on Samuel Richardson, and "Clarissa?"  Am I going to have to  read that, before I tackle "Purity???????"  I really don't know if I have the stamina for "Clarissa;" I managed to scale "Pamela" some years back, but I was younger, and had more stamina. While "Clarissa" stands as a challenge, and no one loves a challenge more than I, dolls, there comes a time when the gauntlet has to be dropped, or those dance shoes hung up on the wall. This may be that time.

                                    I do know Franzen is definitely referencing Dickens,,   because the nickname he gives for the title character is "Pip."  It  is a multigenerational epic, spanning continents, that follows the title character's search for her father's identity.

                                     Having loved both "The Corrections" and "Freedom," I cannot wait for this one!!!!!!!!!!!  September seems so far off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Start queueing up, in front of your favorite book store, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Just found you! Following... and enjoying!!! Cheers!


  2. Well, Lushie,

    Glad you found your way here!
    Enjoy, and welcome!
