Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Now This, On The Other Hand, Darlings, Could Be The Literary HOOT Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Joycie, Joycie, what have you gone and done now?  This novel, "The Sacrifice," scheduled to come out later this month, is a fictionalization of the 1988 Tawana Brawley case, in which the Reverend Al Sharpton, whom we just  LOVE, plays a crucial role!

                                    I just know this is a reading must!  To hell with "Fifty Shades Of Grey!" This book will turn Civil Rights Fiction on its head, denigrating it to the level of  "High Camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    It will be the "Valley Of The Dolls" of Social Activist Fiction. It sure will not be "The Confessions Of Nat Turner," by William Styron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     In this novel, the Tawana stand in is a 15-year-old girl named Sybilla Frye! And Sharpton's counterpart is a character named the Reverend Marcus Mudrick, who has a twin brother, named Byron.  Two for the price of one, girls!  Especially now, since Reverend Al has practically reduced himself in half, and his head to the size of a cushion pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This is going to be something, and I cannot wait to read it! I both fear and wonder where Joyce will go to next, but I have some words for her--

                                        Don't you dare--I repeat, don't you dare!!!!!!!--touch the Tyler Clementi  story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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