Tuesday, January 6, 2015

When Will Parents Stop Brutalizing Their Children, Because They Want To Justify Their Self-Righteous Religious Beliefs????????????????????

                               You've heard me speak of my White Trash relatives. They never miss a Mass on Sunday, Holy Days, and otherwise, and, to the world, they are considered Good People. Even though the way they have treated my mother and father, sister and myself, does not jive with Jesus' teachings, or even Sister Camille D'Arienzo.

                                   There are just some people I wish Mother Teresa could come down from above and bitch slap across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Which was my first reaction, when I heard the story of Leelah Alcorn.  Actually, she was born Joshua, or Josh.  But, at some point during the teen years like many, Josh discovered something different within himself, and that was that he wanted to live his life as a girl/woman, whom he dubbed Leelah.

                                         His bitch mother, who now tries to make herself out to be a good mother, that she loved him unconditionally, etc.--yeah, right!!!!!!!!--said that was unacceptable, due to the religious beliefs of she and her husband.

                                           Leelah was isolated, taken out of school, and kept at home, all in the name of the parents' beliefs.  At 2:15 AM, on Sunday, January 4, Leelah took irrevocable action, committing suicide by stepping into the path of a speeding tractor-trailer truck on Interstate 71, in Ohio!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Leelah was only seventeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                             Now, Carla Alcorn, the Mother From Hell--what about the father; is there one, or is he just hiding away from all this?????--goes on about how she loved her child, what a talented musician HE (that nonacceptance!!!!!!!!!!!!) was, but, meanwhile, there is no funeral or service, because she is afraid of protests.  The parents have been targets of enmity from others.

                                               Like--are you surprised, you morons?????????/

                                               Even in death, these parents cannot accept their child.  I hope they do not have any more children, now or ever.  They should both be altered so they never have any, because these are exactly the type of parents who ought not to have children.

                                                 I am so tired of people hiding behind their religious beliefs, as if their weekly token appearances at services make them better human beings than anyone else.  This attitude spans all religions, not just the Catholic one I was raised in.  What about humanism, acceptance, and love for others that folk like Mother Teresa, Sister Camille, and such would espouse?  If you don't have that, what good does weekly proselytising do????????????//

                                                   But this is what society values--conformity--so screw anyone else who thinks or acts differently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Look where it got Leelah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Hey, Carla, when it comes your time, you may be surprised to find out who the one in Hell is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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