Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Girls, Where Do You See This Kind Of Bathing Beauty, Anymore??????????????

                                         You see, dolls?  This is why I need a publicist, or, at least, a personal assistant!  I just found out today that Besss Myerson--Miss America of 1945, and the first Jew to be crowned such--died, but she has been dead, since December 14.

                                            Not only was she the first Jew to be crowned. She remains the only one, to this day.

                                            What does that say about our country,now, hmmmmmmmmm????????

                                             While Miss America, touring the nation, Bess experienced Forties anti-Semitism first hand.  And once her reign finished she became a renowned media figure, especially in New York. She appeared on such Fifties TV shows as "Queen For A Day," and could forget, decades later, that she was the "beard," or "FAG HAG," to Ed Koch?????????

                                                 Then, there was the 1988 scandal that brought Sukhreet Gabel, the "Little Edie" of her generation, to national attention, (she is now known as the Bird Lady of 69th Street, and admits she is "still a kook!!!!!!!") when her appointment as Bess' assistant led to Bess being accused of a deal where, in exchange for lower alimony payments for Bess' then boyfriend, Andy Capasso,  Hortense Gabel, a respected Supreme Court lawyer, got Bess to hire her "eccentric,, depressive daughter."  More like mentally disabled, or functionally challenged, darlings!   But Sukhreet had money, so she could afford not to work!  And it all came back to bite Bess!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But she was a trouper all the way. How many people can claim to have gone from Miss America to Fag Hag?  Lee Meriwether?  I don't think so!

                                                      Bess will be missed by a "Certain Generation," who will remember her!

                                                        Meanwhile, rock on, Sukhreet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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