Monday, January 12, 2015

Dickens Would Have Called This Child Exploitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            "Please write about this," my beloved begged, " and put us out of our misery."

                              So, I am complying.

                              I am sure many of you have seen that annoying Kars 4 Kids commercial.  The children have no talent, are not singing because they can't, don't even pretend to be interested in what they are trying to enact in front of the camera--and this gets more air play than any ad out there.
Last night, during my ID shows, I counted six times!!!!!!!!  After the third, I was ready to scream.

                                The melody is not catchy, the kids are not cute, but annoying, though I hope, for their sake, someone is stashing away their royalties for college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   In fact, I am not sure they will even see royalties, as they age, because I am convinced the whole thing is a front for some big Ponzi Scheme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Even Bernie Madoff didn't use kids. As far as I know!

                                     Just take a look and see how annoying this is!  The running time is listed as 31 seconds!  From the first time, I ever saw it, it seemed like 31 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Get this crap off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. UGH!

    The most annoying (and inescapable) jingle since those ubiquitous inane CableVission fake hip-hop commercials a couple years ago. An even worse variation of this Cars For Kids song runs during EVERY SINGLE AD BREAK on every single radio station in NYC, around the clock: I've been trapped in a car with it too many times to count.

    The radio version employs a third-rate Johnny Cash impersonator (or maybe it really is Johnny Cash in a misguided charity gesture) who sounds like Father Karras fed him an overdose of Librium. With the tone-deaf kids chiming in at the end as a chorus. The radio ad drags on interminably, the two minutes seem like two hours, making radio all but unusable since the ad runs every ten minutes.

    Blame Madison Ave for inventing this "negative advertising" BS: torture people with annoying grating jingles because they're much more memorable than good jingles.

  2. The boy reminds me of Bobby Brady.


  3. This has to be one of the most annoying ads I have had to endure. As for the kid they seem to be showcasing, I get the Bobby Brady resemblance, except he seems cuter than Mike Lookinland, and Mike did not grow up to become a handsome man. NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
