Monday, January 12, 2015

January And Jane Austen--Perfect Together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         When January rolls around, the Holiday Season ends, and the long Winter Of Our Discontent sets in, what better tonic than curling up with a cup of tea, and an early Century classic?  I favor, of course, the Brontes, George Eliot and Jane Austen.  This year, it was Jane, with "Sense And Sensibility."

                                            Oh, those Dashwood Sisters.  That Elinor and Marianne are just so adorable, and the supporting cast of characters, from cads to gents, is both hilarious and endearing.  Not to mention that bitch, Lucy Steele.

                                             The world of Jane Austen is one of tea cozies and bright delights. Of flowers and enchantment.  Of gowns that never get dirty, and where people don't have to attend to bodily functions. Of fluid linguistic prose.  Wouldn't it be great, if life were like Jane Austen?

                                               That is impossible. But step into one of her novels, and you can experience the world first hand.  Most know Jane from "Pride And Prejudice."  I suggest some of the others; and after this one, see the brilliant 1995. with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet as the Dashwood Sisters.  Can you believe that film lost Best Picture to "Braveheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                  Which is a film that if full of shit! Literally, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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