Monday, January 12, 2015

I Am No Right Winger, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! But Bryon Smith Is A Hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You think I'm Velma Vigilante?  Not really, though, I am with Harper Anderson (Tracy Pollan) all the way, whenever her episodes are aired on 'SVU' reruns.

                                   So I had a bit of a problem with Dateline ID's repeat of "12 Minutes On Elm Street," the account of Byron Smith, and what happened to him, when he retired to his so-called quiet small home town of Little Falls, Minnesota!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   On Thanksgiving Day, 2012, intruders broke into Byron's home.  The problem was it was not the first time, and one of the perps, Nick Brady, had done this to the poor man before.  Having weathered a career that included living internationally abroad in places as exotic and dangerous as Cairo, Smith was not looking to be traumatized by a return to his home town. He envisioned a peaceful and quiet life.

                                      Now, I am not saying that Nick Brady, and his cousin, Halie Kifer, 18 and 19 years of age, respectively, deserved to be killed.  But, what were they thinking. on this holiday, of breaking into this man's home?  The defense and media would paint these kids as angels, but they were not. They were drug using trash, Nick was a bully at school, and they did not give a damn about anyone, except getting their own kicks.

                                        The prosecution says Nick and Halie's killing was premeditated. How could Smith have known when they would break in, or if they would?  Huh?  And, if he shot at Nick, when he saw the leg coming down the stairs of his basement, where Smith was seated, why didn't Nick, albeit with an injured leg, take off, run out of there with Halie, who had not shown up yet, thereby saving their lives??????  You have to wonder about this.  If Nick wanted to avoid trouble, why did he keep advancing, once he realized shots were being fired at him????? Huh???????

                                           As a result of this, Halie got shot, too.  But Smith was convicted for having supposedly gone too far, in protecting his property.

                                            This was a cover up.  No one wanted the jury to know these kids were less than perfect.  They only wanted to hear Smith say things like "You're dead." "Bitch." and "I don't see them as human.  I see them as vermin."  And, in the context of the situation he is facing, Smith is right on all counts,  I would have done the same thing. If someone I don't know invades my home, you better believe I will take action, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Smith's supporters stand by him. But those who wish to preserve the sanctity of small town life at the expense of truth continue to mourn these two kids, even though what they did was wrong. And convicting Smith sends out the message that what they did was OK!!!!!!!!!

                                                 They were not angelic, family loving teens!  They were drug addicted scum and trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Go on, now!  Attack me!  I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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