Saturday, January 31, 2015

Girls, Can You Believe One Twelfth Of The Year Is Gone Already???????????????????

                            I got my W2 two days ago, so the anxiety has waned a little.  And it my beloved's birthday month, which makes it special.  It also would have been mine, had I been born full term.  But I wasn't; I was two months premature!!!!!!!!!!!

                           So, I feel a lot better about January than I used to.  I can't believe it went so fast!  From the Holidays, to this!!!!!!!!!  If only this Winter Of Our Discontent would end as quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Hope you made it safe through this month.  We stand now on the periphery of February, and what a month that is--short, Candlemass Eve, Bernadetrte, the Oscars--Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Be careful tomorrow, if any of you out there are still virgins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Meanwhile, it has been a great January, and I will see you all in February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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