Sunday, February 1, 2015

Maybe We Will Take A Trip To "Loveland," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Here we are, dolls, already in the second month of 2015.  Good thing it is a short one, because it will make the Winter seem shorter--I hope!  Not to mention everything in it, from Blythe Danner's birthday, to my sister's, not to mention Bernadette's initial; apparition, at Lourdes!!!!!!!!!!!!   It might be a short month, but it will be busy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So, here is to February, the Month Of Love!  Let us cherish those we have, and for you single gals, may you find exactly what you need!

                                  Toodles, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. and for you single gals, may you find exactly what you need!

    From your lips (keyboard?) to God's ears!!!!


  2. You go, girl! If it can happen to me, well, almost anything is possible!
